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Re: How long are we going to have this BK fraud happen aroun

16 Mar 2024

This is excellent work and a great start. Just keep going and keep accumulating evidence from as many cases as possible. Try Quora website for victims. There are a lot of Indians on that website discussing the BKs , probably more than anywhere else. Put up some posts so people will find you. Also, e...

Re: Another day, another BK front organisation: Onepoint One

14 Mar 2024

Looking at their output, we find the habitual dishonesty the BKs use to present 'disingenous facades of separation' between themselves and their core teachings and modus operandi, and whatever the latest marketing vehicle is, e.g. Onepoint lights up the stage with Diwali performance at a local chari...

Another day, another BK front organisation: Onepoint Oneness

14 Mar 2024

It's been a while since I did an "Another Day, Another BK Front Organisation" but this one seems to be mixing BKism with personal income business too. That was forbidden in my time as a BK by the Maryadas (the disciplines of BKism everyone was expected to follow, e.g. "no talking worl...

Re: Liftman: A Novel by Anthea Church Inspired by BK Experie

12 Mar 2024

Their contribution to shifting BK culture included shifting what was published in their "literature dept", material that in earlier years would have been deemed not actually BK so would have been rejected. These "high flyer" BKs taught both the BKs and their VIP targets/clients ...

Re: Liftman: A Novel by Anthea Church Inspired by BK Experie

07 Mar 2024

Mike George and Brian Bacon both brought their advertising/marketing hype style to the BKs. I don't remember Bacon being involved in the early days. In fact, I don't remember him at all. Mike's first partner-in-crime in remarkering the BKWSU was Nikki de Carteret, scion of an old, distinguished fam...

Re: Liftman: A Novel by Anthea Church Inspired by BK Experie

06 Mar 2024

A few months ago, a friend of mine bought a copy of the book Angels. I thought I would find it to be utter nonsense but when I read it, I could see a power in it. I was given the freedom to write what I liked. It was deep and intuitive. That's a copy of your own book from 1997 ? As the world descen...

Re: Liftman: A Novel by Anthea Church Inspired by BK Experie

06 Mar 2024

Welcome Anthea. You were quite well known (maybe still are?) globally among BKs because of the books you wrote. When I was a BK, there weren't any of the ... how would you describe them ... "diffusion range" of BK books for Western audiences. There was Adi Dev, a hagiographic account of L...

Re: Liftman: A Novel by Anthea Church Inspired by BK Experie

04 Mar 2024

The book has received unanimous 5 star reviews on Amazon and elsewhere. Elegance. This is a really beautifully crafted book. It is simply written, which means of course it very well written and written with great care. There is an elegance that reminds me of Isherwood, one of my favourite authors, b...

Re: Liftman: A Novel by Anthea Church Inspired by BK Experie

04 Mar 2024

Liftman.jpg Liftman tells the story of Kasper who, at seven-years-old, is secreted away from London by his mother and taken, without explanation, to live in an ashram. Kasper’s life becomes dream-like: he doesn’t attend school, instead enjoying freedom and the mascot-like status the community confe...

Liftman: A Novel by Anthea Church Inspired by BK Experiences

04 Mar 2024

Billed by her publishers, or possibly the tabloid presses as 'I visited a UK city as a tourist - but ended up living in a cult for 20 years' , the former English teacher and ex-BK Anthea Church has written a novel inspired by her experiences within the Brahma Kumaris called, Liftman (ISBN: 978173925...

Early Western BKs

04 Mar 2024

In the early to mid-1970s the BKs started to attract young, Western followers along with their prime targets of immigrant Indians, and Sindhis.

Anyone care to name them and tell what is going on here?


Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

13 Jan 2024

Destruction did happened as per their predictions ... the lavishing retreat centers ... all represents the SatYuga as per BK predictions. I actually agree with you in that conclusionm, but it's not what the BKs teach. Not that they are honest at all. It would be the easiest way to understand what h...

Re: Destruction did not take place in 1976

11 Jan 2024

Destruction New Brahma Kumari website mentioned it is 2026 Do you have a link for that? Amazing ... it's always been 2 to 3 years since the very beginning. When I was a BK in the 1980s, it was the same, "two to three years". They've just worked out that it hooks people in. Soon enough so ...

Re: Is there some legal action to take against the BKs?

11 Jan 2024

You will not finish 84 birth. What do they say now that all of their "top 8" souls and died and taken rebirth again? Doesn't that mean that all of the Dadis were really just 83 birth souls? There's no point asking the BKs anything. They don't know anything. They'll just make up whatever n...

Re: The Admin who runs the website called BK PBKs info,

28 Dec 2023

I hope Shivasena moved on in his life. I think he was sincere in trying to point out in the inconsistencies in Virendra Dev Dixit's teachings to begin with but, ultimately, it's pointless to try and use reason, with unreasonable people. As with the old Friedrich Nietzsche saying, "He who fights...

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