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Brahma Kumaris make Muslim charity Pay for Their Advertising

28 Aug 2020

A new Brahma Kumaris' money raking strategy exposed. In court hearing, the BKs were claiming to get some unrelated trust to pay for printing up materials for them to promote their Global Initiation for Tobacco Awareness Program . About Rs.400,000 for supplying of 1 lakh Booklets. The two charities i...

Brahma Kumaris Fighting over Family Properties & Wills Again

28 Aug 2020

Another day ... another Brahma Kumari centre fighting over some family's property , and the Will of a deceased member. This time in Bangalore City. World Renewal Spiritual vs Smt P. Sunitha on 23 May, 2020. How blatant is this persistent modus operandi of theirs? As per their modus operandi, as we ...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

27 Aug 2020

He's talking absolute nonsense, is not he? It's just a stream of buzzwords with no proof and highly spurious meaning, if any. Not to mention he gets the science bits wrong. Probably time for him to go into silent retreat soon. I see the BKs are milking the whole corona thing on Youtube , complete wi...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

26 Aug 2020

I still see the bones of BKism under the fleshing out he has given in, e.g. he goes on about the "chit" becoming entangled, as in the soul becoming body conscious; the emphasis on "at the time" etc.

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

25 Aug 2020

I went back to watch a bit of it but found it very waffly, and Robert very distracted and depending on his notes a lot. I think I must be cured of any interest in psychobabble. He may or may not know stuff, I did not stick around to find out. But I wonder why he feels the need to dress up and play t...

Re: ex-BK Robert Shubow of Sat Yoga Ashram resurfaces

24 Aug 2020

Which bit are you commenting on? The rigidity of the rules based individual? I have not had the time to watch it right now. Seems to be about the trauma of not feeling wanted as a child ... which, I'd guess applied to a lot of female children in India where traditionally they were seen as a burden a...

Re: Hawala: A Parallel Economy

12 Aug 2020

What was the knifing incident?

Re: Hawala: A Parallel Economy

11 Aug 2020


Re: Hawala: A Parallel Economy

10 Aug 2020

I appreciate with recent changes to tax laws in India, and great public awareness, the BKs have had to clean up their act, but does anyone have any personal experiences with the inner economics of the Brahma Kumaris? Professor R Vaidyanathan an expert on the subject who is with the Indian Institute ...

Hawala: A Parallel Economy

10 Aug 2020

Back in the old days, at the times the BKs started, the Bhaibund merchants and their Amil administrators and accountants developed a secretive system of international trading and money laundering that I have argued in the past, became the model and backbone for BKism. Posts are elsewhere, so I'll no...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

05 Aug 2020

Me too. The story the PBKs tell is that he kept asking the teachers and even most senior BKs so many questions that they could not answer, e.g. Dads Kumarka and so on, until they got sick of him and banned him. Of course, both could be true too. I don't know when his messiah complex kicked in, i.e. ...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

21 Jul 2020

The story continues, with Virendra now missing for 3 mysterious years, the latest being a new twist ... in a case,' DUMPALA RAMREDDY VERSUS UNION OF India & ANR ' the Supreme Court of India has been asked to close down the ''ashrams'' and spiritual centres run by fake ''babas'' that could potent...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

26 Jun 2020

Another well measured investigation into the background of the latest attack on Virendra Dev Dixit. Bringing shame to spiritualism: The story of yet another fake Baba By Pari Saikia - May 18, 2018 In India, 87 percent of people are staunchly religious and spiritual, making way for a booming market e...

Re: Rape motive suspected in BK killing - RIP BK Dawn Griggs

25 Jun 2020

There was a sad footnote to this story we missed. The year after, the New Delhi High Court altered the decision to award the death penalty to life sentence for the offenders. The court proceedings, that detail the crime , makes pretty depressing reading. We highlighted this case, where a Western fem...

God of Gods Movie

13 Jun 2020

Latest BK blockbuster movie. Same story as usual. The story they make up about the Kaaba of Islam representing light is a bit naughty. Haven't watch it, just flicked through. It really is just the same old same old but just with a lot more CGI, stock footage and higher production values than normal....

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