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Another BK Divorce, Followed by Cash Grab

28 May 2024

Following a recent story featuring a BK husband misleading a non-BK wife , we have another "No Sex Please, We're BKs" divorce, this time featuring a BK wife. Another BK broken family. In short, BK marries man, gets knocked up, leaves husband pregnant, wants support, ends up with a big pay ...

Re: Latest BK Suicide (Pictures)

28 May 2024

A third article adds more details, including that the BK accused made false claims to have built the centre when it was their money that did so, and the organisation contributed nothing and, more concernedly, Many Sisters Commit Suicide, and These People Hide It . There is no money near the Yajna to...

Re: The Story of Virendra Dev Dixit

28 May 2024 They seek him here. They seek him there. But 5 yrs since Rohini ashram raid, CBI can’t catch rape accused ‘godman’ Virendra Dev Dixit. But you can find him on YouTube . It seems that adherents in the UK, Bulgaria and Nepal are uploading videos for him. PB...

Re: Latest BK Suicide (Pictures)

28 May 2024

As is their habit, the BK has absconded . It turns out their Father had sold his land to provide for them, their family having previously built the Brahma Kumari centre in Jagner for them. The accused has been dodging the police for the last 13 days. Four police teams were engaged in a search operat...

Re: More BK Lies: Shivani Named in "Homebreaker" Court Case

28 May 2024

Two more stories offers a few more insights. In one, the wife suspected the role of the in-laws in her complaint, saying that they wanted her to bring articles such as a refrigerator as a dowry , and said her husband wanted to remain celibate, being a follower of the Brahma Kumaris spiritual movemen...

Re: Latest BK Suicide (Pictures)

28 May 2024

More detail arise, connecting the double BK suicide leading right back a Mount Abu headquarters & one BK Neeraj Singhal. Brahmakumari_Suicide_Victims.jpg Police arrest three people on charge of abetting 'suicides' of two Brahma Kumari Sisters . According to purported suicide notes, written in Hi...

Lucknow: Another BK Centre, Another BK Suicide

28 May 2024

How many cases like this does anyone need to read to be woken up & realise that there is something very wrong with the Brahma Kumari cult? Lucknow Woman Found Hanging in Brahma Kumari Ashram, Foul Play Alleged The family of the deceased UP woman has alleged that she was harassed on a daily basis...

More BK Lies: Shivani Named in "Homebreaker" Court Case

28 May 2024

Husband watching Brahmakumari videos, not consummating marriage is not cruelty: Karnataka High Court . A accused her husband of constantly watching videos of the Brahma Kumaris' Honeypot , Sister Shivani, and refusing to consummate their marriage. In this case, I think the court was poorly informed...

Porqué no se investiga a este grupo?

01 May 2024

Manuela Rincon Les dediqué 6 años de mi vida, tiempo, trabajo y dinero. Demasiado tiempo.25 años después, hoy me atrevo a denunciarles públicamente porque siguen con el mismo discurso de entonces pero adaptándolo a la conveniencia de los tiempos actuales y seguro que captando a mujeres y hombres co...

Re: Early Western BKs

24 Apr 2024

Baap Dada (BapDada) would descend several times per week, and most of those times, the double foreigners would meet with BapDada Changed days from the aircraft hanger sized auditoriums and video displays of today. Did he, the BapDada, say anything genuinely interesting at the time? Was there a diff...

Re: Meditation Experiences

22 Apr 2024

As I said, I had "BK meditation" experiences before meeting or joining the BKs. But when I had those same experiences while doing the "7 Day Course", I explained it to myself as the earlier ones being "premonitions" or vision/experiences of a future me. Aye, and in tha...

Re: Meditation Experiences

21 Apr 2024

Welcome back to the forum, Sorova. In truth, many of your questions are unanswerable until we die and find out what life is all about (or not). I prefer not to speculate on spiritual matters any more and so, until the veil is lifted from my eyes, I am just an old dog and the world consists of balls ...

Dark Side of Brahma Kumaris Video: Hindi & English Subtitles

26 Mar 2024

The CC button in Youtube enables good English subtitles. The Dark Side of 'Brahma Kumaris' by Santosh Pathak, albeit that it doesn't appear to be the darkest side of the BKs.

Re: Another day, another BK front organisation: Onepoint One

17 Mar 2024

Oxford Analytica, Cambridge Analytica, the big consulting firms (PwC, KPMG, McKinsey et al), the major banks, major investors like Black Rock & State Street, these are all part of a machine that siphons the wealth upward to a tiny percentage of a percent of the world's people. Yeah, well, BK op...

Re: Another day, another BK front organisation: Onepoint One

16 Mar 2024

The BK centres that operate in countries where, for legal or tax reasons, they say they do not have "members', or in some cases, "students" - they can instead say they have interns - which in this modern age means unpaid workers. Now we're finally getting some honesty! Indeed, in the...

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