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29 May 2006

I like from the Murlis the saying that decision is not to be made and decision has already been made. If she is my soul mate will I be able to lose her? Baba says there are cases of someone leaving his husband or wife, but is ther the practice of leaving a Brother or Sister? Of course there are. I ...

29 May 2006

My feeling is that this came from the first generation of Westerners coming into Gyan and going, " Oh, Dadi ... look at this! You look like and angel, you are an angel! " and then it was adopted The term "angelic" is used in the Avyakt Murlis (English translation) - starting fro...

Defining Angels

28 May 2006

I wanted to start a thread on the definition of what we understand to be Angels as it - or they - are a much used metaphor within the BKWSU theology. The image that the BKWSU have adopted is distinctly Neo-Classical, angels in the mode of Victorian and Christian representation of Classical Greek and...

When did Angels enter the BK theology?

28 May 2006

Hi we are documenting the changes and developments in BK lore, I was just wondering when did " Angels " enter the BK theology? It seems to me that the form of angels they consider is a very Western view and not traditional to Hinduism or the Eastern Tradition where may be dakinis, devi, gr...

28 May 2006

But God is remembered in Bhakti as the purifier, not as the one who brings knowledge. Sorry, no personal smite intended, but this is not a true statement. Many God/s or incarnations of God/s are known as the bringer of knowledge or Yoga philosophy. So where do they get it when no-one else can come ...

Re: Bhog etc.

25 May 2006

Uddhava wrote:What do you mean 'she may have been right' - you mean that deities have to eat dairy?

Ha! Only Hindu ones ... right in the sense to challenge what might have been ego or bad sanskars.

Re: soul mate

25 May 2006

It is such a big fortune to have found him and to have found her. Now what should I do if I have to choose. Don't beat her over the head with Murli points. It does not work! Put Gyan on the backboiler, separate your life. You will regret it if you do not grab the opportunity. The potential of it wi...

Re: Help with Brahma Kumaris Wikipedia Article

24 May 2006

First the guy changed the article, then he (most likely a testosterone-crazed he) deleted the discussion. But all the old versions are there, and more people are there to restore them than to Destroy Destroy Destroy, and the Destroyers start to look rather foolish. Somebody must be having a bad sta...

Re: Bhog etc.

24 May 2006

The ritual of leaving food aside as probably be started by individuals, but I have neither seen this practice and it does not fit with the principle dear to BK world that no food should be waisted. I would agree. I remember stress placed on not wasting food that reached back to the Om Mandali days,...

Re: Help with Brahma Kumaris Wikipedia Article

24 May 2006

Okay, I misread. Well, BKs, if you want to have a part of frosty third-party descriptions of the BKs, please do so! I am rather out of touch with official Gyan. My memories (of even a few minutes ago!) are tinged with a halo of idealized joy. Just out of interest, you can see Brahma Kumaris " ...

23 May 2006

Hi I am pretty sure that ; and were PBK sites. What happened to them? They seem to have disappeared off the internet. Has the owner left or do they need help? One seems to be trapped by a "buy this domain " company and is up for sale at $...

Re: BKs at the UN

23 May 2006

The BKs go on and on about how they are consultants to the UN. I read on the net (and it could all be wrong) that they just rent an office there and that they over-exaggerate their relationship with the UN. For example I found this FAITH DEALERS: Those who take advantage of human spiritual needs Th...

More Mike George

23 May 2006

Hi, I found this quite interesting. Another BK Whitewash website ; Religion tends to be Structured Spirituality tends to be Free flowing Religion tends to be Male dominated Spirituality tends to be Androgenous Religion tends ...

Publish and find salvation

23 May 2006

But doesn't copyright belong to the author :wink: I love it ... Yes, we will insist on calling Shiva as a witness to court to identify what are and are not his and insist on proof from the BKWSU that he signed over his rights to them ! Additionally, we will call on the incarnation of Krishna to sep...

Re: Help with Brahma Kumaris Wikipedia Article

21 May 2006

This same person is also suggesting that the BKs do an article with their own description of themselves, perhaps linked to these titles: Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual Organization (with a Z) Brahma Kumaris World Spiritual University BKWSU By doing their own article, the BKs can focus on how they p...

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