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One Jewish analysis of Channelling and Possession

11 Jul 2006

Hi. I cant recommend the rest of this website, I never read another page of it, but I find this most mystical Jewish interpretation of channelling and possession interesting ; 'Dybbuk' or 'Sod ha'ibbur'. To me what is interesting is the similarity of the root of the Jewish word, meaning ; "clea...

10 Jul 2006

You make an excellent point on this actually :) I have wondered about that before. <snip> 5000 cycle is such a crucial part of The Knowledge, I do not think it was delivered in a metaphorical way like that.. its literally 5000 years, exactly. <snip> Gods power being unlimited cannot be underestimat...

10 Jul 2006

5,000 years would not allow for the biological diversity that exists, the formation of the material elements planet. The Golden Age environment will be reestablished when the matter returns to its pure state which will happen after the souls are purified including mother nature of course. Om Shanti...

08 Jul 2006

From above quotes, Paramdham is located around the space and Shiva is in Kampil. That is the picture of the Three Worlds. But how does it fit with logic and reason? • Paramdham they say is infinite and eternal. How can you have infinite space minus a little bit for the material Universe? Infinite m...

08 Jul 2006

Once we trigger, germinate the seed, we are never the same again, we need to accept that, and move on / forward as we see fit . Perhaps We need to break down the models and keep re building them. The BK mechano set offers the beginners set. I agree with the first statement. But, of course, I think ...

07 Jul 2006

I am not sure that becauase they share the same surname it is a family affair ... in Indian culture there are far fewer surnames than we have in the West ... take Patel for instance there are millions of them but not actually directly blood related But, in my opinion, they are corrupt and dishonest...

06 Jul 2006

It is too long for the population of the planet not to reach an impossible number, for the planet not to be too degraded. 5000 seems just practical, to have a cycle of 84 births, divided in equal 1250 years parts, and for us to have a good time and not suffer too much at the end. I think it is now ...

Re: well, not really 'shocked' so much as.....

06 Jul 2006

For anyone who has seen alzheimers, the sufferer is completely non compous mentus by the time they pass away - it is death of the brain. What does that say about the 'power of Yoga'? Alzheimers is not something you could wish on anyone, even if one supported the anti party, but I think alarm bells ...

PBK view on 5,000 year Cycle?

06 Jul 2006

OK. The big BKWSU issue is that the World only exits in the form of a 5,000 year, identical, ever repeating Cycle. No explanation of how this could be, no explanation of how dinosaurs fit in, no explanation of how all the space junk returns to earth, or the flag comes down off the Moon, no explanati...

Virendra Dev Dixit self-realisation

06 Jul 2006

Hi, is there a weblink to the story of Virendra Dev Dixit at the point of his self-realisation? • How did he realise that he was the re-incarnation of Lekhraj Kirpalani's old partner? • Did other people recognise it? Was it like the same way Tibetan Buddhists "recognise" reincarnated Lamas...

BKWSU Charity Commission report

05 Jul 2006

I thought this was interesting. You know that the BKWSU always present themselves as being run by women for women - God says " Women first " etc? Well, here is the list of the BKWSU [UK] Trustees ; MR CHRIS DRAKE MR DAVID GOODMAN MR GOVIND VASWANI MS KAVITA VASWANI MS SHASHI MEHRA MR RATMA...

BKWSU, the business and money

05 Jul 2006

2. If death is staring at us then why are BKs collecting properties worth crores of rupees in every big and small city of the world? Baba has permitted construction of buildings at Madhuban because children come and meet Father there. But if we collect properties throughout the world and tell the w...

Re: Is this true about Dadiji?

05 Jul 2006

The thing that shocks me is the problem is Alzheimers. Can anyone confirm or deny this? If I remember correctly, there was talk of it on the old xBKChat forum with old BK and ex-BK's 'getting the call' to go back and see her. At that time, apparently she was drifting in and out of lucidity. Excuse ...

04 Jul 2006

surely the answer is just cult Oh, OK. Would all the prospective members of the 'No Cult' cult queue up in an orderly line outside the door. Now ... first we have to appoint a committee ... and then make some rules governing what is considered not being a cult member ... set a membership fee...

The ex-BK 12 Step Plan

04 Jul 2006

I was playing around with the idea of making a parody of the Alcoholics Anonymous 12 Step plan but I ended up with something that might be frightening serious ; STEP#1: "We admitted we were powerless over God and the Senior Sisters -- that our lives had become unmanageable." STEP#2: "...

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