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Dadi Janki and the Janki Foundation

21 Jul 2006

Hi. I don't know whether to feel sorry for these folks or upset and angry for what they do do to others lives but from ; Mount Abu: Shantivan MEDIA CONFERENCE & EXHIBITION-2006 : 8th-12th Sept'06 "Media For Promoting Peace & Good Wishes"; Peace and Good Wishes flyer. Its official ....

BK fansite

21 Jul 2006

Is it at all possible to steal a domain name? There have been a few high profile cases where individuals have faked up renewal or registration certificates, like, to "steal" a domain. Alternatively, there was the practise of "domain squatting" where someone would buy a d...

20 Jul 2006

Within the same few days, a deep male voice woke me saying my name around 6:30 in the morning. I have had this in the past to get me up for class albeit a softer voice. Is that the 3rd ear then? Clairaudience versus Clairvoyance. One also has clairsentience, the ability to feel psychically. It seem...

18 Jul 2006

you people are nuts :lol: You can laugh now, mate. But just remember ... you will be coming to our temples and ashrams for 2,500 years to listen to all this stuff in the next Cycle and we will take your money off you then as well. Its your karma ... and we are making our's. BKs are advised by BapDa...

17 Jul 2006

if you came face to face with a sweet little old lady all dressed in white and acting all holy, the natural reaction in the hob-nobbing circle would be to smile and comment about how spiritual she seems ... emperor wears no clothes ??????? Oh, you mean like this ... Shane "The Pogues*" Ma...

Re: You have come a long way, babee ...

17 Jul 2006

This URL describes DJ as a 'highly effective spiritual entrepreneur' - rather an unfortunate phrase. :roll: That is bizarre ... and definitely one for Mr Green to answer. I mean, putting aside pulling £ 15,000,000 out of the Hindu temples' e...

16 Jul 2006

As far as I am concerned, and from personal experience, the chakras are very real. The view you describe makes sense to me, more sense than the simplified BK "beginners guide" view, especially as it brings the heart chakra into the scheme of things. As I understand it chakras give and rec...

15 Jul 2006

I am not sure what point you are making here - what are you saying is the difference between 'engaged' and 'believe'? As I understand it, you believe that there are lots of these spooks around of which BK Shiva is one. Can you name a few other spooks that you believe in - there are plenty in the Ne...

You have come a long way, babee ...

14 Jul 2006

Interesting. I have been out of Gyan quite a while but have they come a long way or what? Dadi J up there with the Dalai Lama, Desmond Tutu and HRH Prince EI Hassan bin Talal and Mrs Tony Blair - Cherie Booth courtesy of BK regular Julia Hausermann.

14 Jul 2006

Each person has a soul, but not all recognise God. So the third eye of knowledge is when your soul recognises God. <snip> (BTW, when the Supreme souls enters a body, do the souls combine, or do they "sit side by side" in the body's forehead ? ) <snip> We speak what we think (as per though...

14 Jul 2006

A few random responses, both pro and con, provoked by your topic. Be warned I have a knack of sticking my thumb right on the bare nerve or knotted muscle but this does not constitute an attack. You know the old jokes about masochists and sadists [ " Go on, hurt me, hurt me " ... " No,...

14 Jul 2006

Well, we have certainly generated an inspired conversation and that is the main thing. No doubt we are arguing over who believes what. Whether we go for 'spiritual fact' or 'scientific fact', I agree that there is religion in both. We all have our own individual perspective, which means that it is ...

Re: the latest from Dadi Janki

13 Jul 2006

Back on the issue of Dadi's Alzheimers: my point is that this is hard evidence that consciousness is brain based and not an etherial soul. In fact, if the soul were the seat of consciousness alzheimers would be impossible. It has taken someone of Dadiji's authority to substantiate that. That the BK...

13 Jul 2006

both - Gulzar's soul goes to the Subtle Regions, while BapDada takes over her body. Allegedly ... I have never actually heard what she or they say she sees or does whilst trapped up there - or why she cannot see or do things. In the old days, they used to talk about Brahma Puri, Vishnu Puri and Sha...

Re: the latest from Dadi Janki

12 Jul 2006

Dadi is typically creating drama to pull everyone into line and get over the confusion of Dadi Prakashmani losing her mind. This is on old tactic of Dadis. But whilst she seems to have put her head on the block with this one - ie: when the Dadis have 'left the body', everyone will have forgotten th...

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