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01 Aug 2006

It was part of BK 'unofficial folklore'. The theory was either that when the nuclear power plants in the Silver Age were destroyed species were mutated or that there was some kind of war at the beginning of the Copper Age that caused it. I was just remembering one senior Western BK, that is mention...

30 Jul 2006

Q.No.24: Did Dinosaurs really exist or is it only an imagination? Ans:Dinosaurs and Dinosaur-like, four-legged, large animals existed at the beginning of the Copper Age which got transformed into other species of four-legged animals later on. That is the standard BK line as well. I do not know that...

Re: Has any Brothers hugged Baba?

30 Jul 2006

I’m glad here to share this experience to the Brahmin Brothers ... has any PBK hugged Baba in corporeal meeting? Good post Ravi. Thanks for making the experience personal. It is interesting also to read that the PBKs acknowledge that a Brahmin soul goes through 4 stages within the Confluence Age, i...

29 Jul 2006

Good of you to deputise a response there ex-l. Well, sorry to butt in but I agree with that stuff. It brings up a lot of issues for me ... aside from the desire to channel ascended spiritual masters, or the CEO of British American Conglomerate, Incorporated. You know, there might be good business i...

BK Nuclear Bomb consultant

28 Jul 2006

Yo, I must apologize for my language in advance. But, hey you know, its the End of The Cycle and I am completely degraded. And may be there were some 7 Days course lessons that I missed, or did not pay attention to, because I was in some wierd, hypnagogic trance with all the red lights going on at t...

28 Jul 2006

What’s your preferred option? There are three ways for rats on a sinking power structures suspected of unethical or hypocritical behaviour to commonly act ; • head for the hills • head for the hills • head for the hills Me, I am a poor little church mouse but I vote with the rats. a) you want to ma...

How the BKWSU play the pea under the shell game

28 Jul 2006

This is a typical example of the BKWSU's pea under the shell game ... now you see it, now you don't ... that only ex-BKs would spot. From; One of the main issue with BK PR is when they say 20 or 30 people, or e...

28 Jul 2006

Brian Bacon gets top billing with Janki and Jayanti Kirpalani at Asia Pacific Global Executive Retreat, " a rare opportunity to hit the pause button ... to observe and reflect on your life's impact ... experience [Raja Yoga] meditiation and take time out." Looking at the biodata there, pe...

28 Jul 2006

Apologies to the admins if this brings a load of heat down on the website but, if you want to know the truth, that is the price you have to pay ... From , Brian Bacon is or was another high level BK that has been engaged in re-marketing the BKWSU. Does anyone know if ...

28 Jul 2006

Here, , in a quote from her book Soul Power writes ; 3. The mind can never be used for personal gain. As people progress spiritually they can be tempted to use their spiritual powers for their own advancement, professionally or ...

How to re-market yourself and the BKWSU

28 Jul 2006

This is a good exercise is seeing how BKs or the BKWSU manipulates its public front as done by one of the individuals that was key in that public re-writing; Nikki de Carteret. In public, Nikki writes that she; served prominently on the committees of international NGO projects. As one of the interna...

27 Jul 2006

Did you ever think Shiva came in Dadi Gulzar? 7/2/69 ... blah ... 15/10/69 ... blah ... 26/1/68 ... blah ... 2/4/76 ... blah ... 21/1/69 ... blah Ravi, read the notice to PBKs at the top of the forum. It is a shame. I thought by your first post that you were an intelligent, sensitive individual and...

23 Jul 2006

Around the same time, I saw a certain "S" individuals face, :evil: through the thin veil I presume. It had nothing to do with TV progs. It did not freak me out, but as often is the case, perhaps there was a short period before it sank in. Within the same few days, a deep male voice woke m...

Re: "5,000" figure is purely symbolic!!

23 Jul 2006

Does anyone on this site recall ever hearing from the BKWSU that the 5,000 figure is purely symbolic and not to be taken literally? Never, ever, never ... not at all! It was all set in stone, rock solid, as inarguable FACTS to be learned by rote and taught. Interestingly enough, I was asking the PB...

Re: BKWSU Chief of MultiMedia and Global PublicRelations acc

21 Jul 2006

I suspect that it is not a case of dishonesty but rather that the BK Chief of MultiMedia and Global Public Relations doesn't understand how domain names work May I add, " ... and does not understand how good P.R works either." !?! . I don't know, I agree with the Admin. Why say "stol...

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