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15 Aug 2006

Things are not "black or white." ... What do we gain in saying that there will be a war between USA and Russia where everything will be destroyed? ... that was the time to disclose everything ...The truth can hurt ... etc OK. But the fact is that here we are discussion between 'Brahmin so...

14 Aug 2006

I suggest that you take the 7 day course yourself at this time and find out. Just FYI. In every country is different. I had the chance to take the course in one country and to teach in another. The requirements change according to country ideologies/religions and according to time. (which makes sen...

14 Aug 2006

the editing out quip was a joke - were's that tongue in cheek smiley. Sorry, is that directed at me? Yes, it is true. The Murlis have and are being gradually edited by some human and the non-politically correct or awkward stuff taken out. There is reference to who it is somewhere else on this forum...

14 Aug 2006

I think that your language, such as "allusion ... believed" etc is a little bit misleading and cant believe that they have edited out every reference in the Murlis ... well, OK, I take that back. I DO believe that the BKWSU would edit out any references but am really disappointed to discov...

13 Aug 2006

Amazing, so these are BKs attacking the PBKs using vicious lies? Or ex-PBKs? Like the Vishnu Party. I never cease to be shocked by what the BKs will get up to next. Who are these people? Individuals acting themselves or orchestrated by the organization? Omshanti. I think the first two questions tha...

13 Aug 2006

I go to Murli class every day. I don't know "what is being taught in the 7 day course" about destruction. I can tell you what "I" teach, which is what "I" wrote. You mentioned : " 50 for Destruction and 50 years for Creation. Then they were changed to 50 to 60 yea...

13 Aug 2006

Following with the line of paradoxes. There is destruction ... but there is not ... God has never disclosed a date for "destruction." Thus, any date which many have thought about is just their own "creation." OK. just before we progress, let's try again. Those are your own parti...

13 Aug 2006

Could you do us a great favour and tell us ; Exactly what are the current teachings within the BKWSU regarding "Destruction"? [What are students being taught in the 7 day course?] How and when is it going to happen? [What have been the latest related predictions?] "Destruction" h...

12 Aug 2006

Yagya mother (Kamla Devi Dikshit) used to live both at Kampil and at Delhi for many years until the incidents of 1998 when many baseless allegations were levelled against Mama and Baba and AIVV. Few years after that she has not been meeting the PBKs publicly, while Baba continues to meet the PBKs. ...

09 Aug 2006

I also know of 2 other souls who have suffered this way. I think that if we contribute names we can both honour them and remind the BK's of their responsibility. I think that is important work that I support. I am currently verifying reports within the UK Hindi community of 2 or 4 individuals that ...

Re: Dinosaur remains

07 Aug 2006

I am sure that the answer Baba has given about the topic was just simple answer but he might explaing a bit more about it to us! He already confirmed that the dinosaurs existed, but he was not questioned at that time as how the fossils laid deep down under earth and other animals or the humans foss...

PBKs on internal Brahmin Cults

05 Aug 2006

From; also These last 7 LaxmiNarayans are very much present in the Brahmin family today and are the self-proclaimed rulers who are calling the shots in Mt. Abu. They can be very easily recognised (with Advanced Knowled...

BK Laity

04 Aug 2006

I wanted to resurrect the topic of a BK laity and ask two questions ; firstly, should we have a category for "lay BKs" on this forum? secondly, whether a BK laity is actually being created in the West of two different sorts? Are there individuals that are not following the Maryadas or goin...

The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen

01 Aug 2006

The Emperor's New Clothes by Hans Christian Andersen Many years ago, there was an Emperor, who was so excessively fond of new clothes, that he spent all his money in dress. He did not trouble himself in the least about his soldiers; nor did he care to go either to the theatre or the chase, except f...

01 Aug 2006

hmmm ... maybe the speed of light is wrong lol. After all, the fossil record and carbon dating was all bunk, wasn't it? oh dear! :roll: I would like to shut up and wait until a BK answers this question ... but I cannot! I cannot expect it. To consider such a thought would shatter their dream. I rem...

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