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19 Aug 2006

There was a lot of power play going on at the time, Saraswati was the main player holding it all in check). When she was out of the way Brahma Baba became the soft target. I agree with Surya, and to an extent, old timers are just going to have to trust us our intentions, and hunger for the whole tr...

18 Aug 2006

:D Nice one ex-l You are going to knock the girls dead with avatar, you know! You had better be careful ... or enjoy it! But perhaps it is also deeply symbolic; a new born or new beginning, wings meaning hope and enthusiasm. Thank you very much for joining this forum and welcome. You bring in a new...

18 Aug 2006

May be we (ex-BK) might be someday explicitly quoted in the Vani :wink: Apparently the BKWSU big wigs have already sent up a Trance Messenger or medium to ask whoever it is they ask [ Brahma Baba? ] what they should do about all the anti-BKWSU websites.* The message came back that there was " ...

17 Aug 2006

I faintly remember Baba[Avyakt BapDada] speaking about the cosmic dance (cleansing) of Shiva. This one is mentioned in the Hindu Mythology also. Could some BK/PBK throw more light on this.... Excellent constructive question. What does the "Cosmic Dance" mean? It seems like I know you from...

Poincaré's grave of 6 Billion

17 Aug 2006

each its own. What I see clearly, others cannot ... it is just a matter of realities ... It is just logic, straight logic out of current scientific theories and most importantly, physics laws. I have not found anybody who is able to tell me why those ideas are wrong, not even a dispute...why the lo...

16 Aug 2006

I really don't think you can explain The Cycle with current scientific knowledge and feel a little uncomfortable when BKs try to do this. In my opinion looking at The Cycle in this manner can only lead to the conclusion that The Knowledge is wrong. When Baba says such things in the Murlis that all ...

Re: Free the Murlis

16 Aug 2006

I think you need to try and see things from their perspective, which would mean trying to remove yourself from any feelings of injustice, cynism or anger you may feel for how things are at present. I will tell you and it is true, I am not "angry" about this stuff at all. I will admit to b...

Poincaré's grave

16 Aug 2006

I am glad you brought up the recurrence theorem. I bet you are ... it is one of your religious effigies on your altar to science! Therefore, there is no contradiction whatsoever between the second law (entropy) and Poincare's theorem.. that is as long as you see time as cyclical and predestined... ...

16 Aug 2006

It is not fitted into her intellect as to who is the real God of the Gita, corporeal Krishna or incorporeal Shiv Shankar Bholenath. OK. So in plain English ... at the present moment, the PBK Mama does not believe in Virendra Dev Dixit anymore ? So, this leads us to the next question ... if Virendra...

Poincaré Recurrence Theorem

16 Aug 2006

The rest is just ... talk. I am sorry to pull you up again, I am aware that this is a contentious issue that is likely to split the community of this forum and hpe that it does not overshadow other positive discourse. But ... the rest is not "just talk" avyakt7. It is peoples' lives. Pers...

Free the Murlis

16 Aug 2006

Emailing Murlis is considered very naughty. Can I ask the obvious, why is that and who is saying it? It is interesting, BK life is full of these "subtle Shrimats" that are not recorded or re-written down but seem to circulate unquestioned until they build up a critical mass of their own a...

Re: How many births do you get, and what birth are you on no

16 Aug 2006

It was suggested to me when I was with the BKs, and by more than one BK, that I was a"second birth" Brahmin, and that there were many such around. In other words we had been BKs in our previous birth, died imperfect, and been reborn in different bodies and found our way back to the BKs. I...

16 Aug 2006

I would agree that the answers to these questions have to lie in the area of "understanding the role human consciousness". But can I first note that "God" used to teach us that there were 5 Billion souls, then 5.5 Billion, now it is 6.5 ... of course, it was the Hindiwallas editi...

16 Aug 2006

Firstly, thanks amaranthine for your easy going darna / reasonableness. It is a very good advertisement for your faith. There is no point denying the difficult issue, it will only cause them to come up even stronger in the future. You mentioned: "you would say that I and others meet God first t...

16 Aug 2006

I challenge anyone to provide any sensible support for the idea that these Murlis are "the words of God" rather than the words of Brahma I see it they are all the fallible, and often inconsistent, ideas of Brahma Baba - they do contain, indeed, much elevated spiritual knowledge,...

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