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26 Aug 2006

I don't know if the course being mentioned by you has been approved by Avyakt BapDada or not, but it is definitely not as per Shrimat to use the Yagya facilities for private purposes. It has been mentioned several times in the Murlis that lifting/stealing even a string from the Yagya is a very big ...

26 Aug 2006

There are many souls who neglect their families to serve these so-called "Sanyasis" among the Brahmin family. While their children yearn for simple necessities, the Sanyasis indulge in luxuries with the money obtained from the gullible householders. I take your general point here Arjun. T...

26 Aug 2006

Omshanti. It is really sad to know that the Godly knowledge which is supposed to be given free of cost to all the souls of the world is being given (rather sold) at such a premium. In fairness, as the individual that posted the original comment, I must point out that the fee was not solely for a pu...


25 Aug 2006

Book : Animal Farm by George Orwell [Searchable online verision] A 1945 classic, Animal Farm was a satirical allegory of the Russian Revolution. Led by the pigs, the Animals on Mr Jones's farm revolt against their masters. After their victory they decide to run the farm themselves on egalitarian pri...

Re: Brian Bacon / Oxford Leadership and charging for Raja Yo

23 Aug 2006

From the Google cache of a now deleted page, catch it while you can : Oxford Leadership Development Programme I am looking over this Oxford Leadership thing again ... and the whole global spill of "executive coaches" that seem to have been hand picked out of the best of BK. As yet it is n...

23 Aug 2006

If the milk is absorbed what happens to it. Cheesey statues I should think. The place must stink two days afterwards when the journalist have left. Come on India, we know that you can rise to greater miracles; like women's rights and literacy rates to match the Communist Kerala! And as we sit here ...

Brian Bacon, Oxford Leadership & BKs charging for Raja Yoga

23 Aug 2006

From the Google cache of a now deleted page, catch it while you can : Oxford Leadership Development Programme " Learn the art of reflective inquiry, a deep reflection process based on the centuries old practice of Raja Yoga Meditation. Fee 14000 SEK, excluding VAT and accommodation. " That...

BK Brian Bacon, Inc

23 Aug 2006

I was looking at this Oxford Leadership website again. How many of these folks are BKs then? [Paco] Francisco Giménez Plano of Augere Foundation/Augere & Associates, comes with a BKWSU credit. Enrique Simó could be another as "THE SPIRIT OF HUMAN DIGNITY" was a BK thing. It is funny b...

Resources for ex-BKs

23 Aug 2006

Movie : • Wing of Desire by Wim Wenders ; Official Website This was made in 1987, and is the most amazing story of what it is like becoming an ex-BK. I have no idea on Earth how Handke and Wenders happened on this idea but it is so close to the experience. An angel wishes to become mortal after fall...

22 Aug 2006

Basically, you won't meet something fresh or someone new if you don't do move. Your problems will not entirely go away but maybe your views on them will. This is good advice. A non-BK friend once said similar to me; If you always do what you have always done; you will always get what you have alway...

20 Aug 2006

Therefore, Baba’s teachings clearly fit in this “model” as you call it. :D The obvious question - which underlines a weakness in BKWSU conception - is " which Baba? " *. That was not a BKWSU teaching, it was merely incidental personal advice. For goodness sake, we are not talking about mi...

Hypnosis and Raja Yoga

20 Aug 2006

From : DeltaFlow refering a book called "God & Science" by Dr. Richard L. Thompson Ph.D. in mathematics specializing in probability theory and statistical mechanics. [Dr. Thompson has done scientific research in quantum physics, mathematical biology, and remote sensing. He has extensiv...

Re: Fitting in with "THE TRUTH"

20 Aug 2006

especially those who think in an independent way, or even grow beards, though, it is OK to have pictures of a dead body with facial hair in all centres throughout the world. (I am not anti-Brahma Baba, just anti-facial hair :) ) I have a feeling that this thread will run and run. Or rather grow and...

Re: Spiritual knowledge is subtle knowledge.

20 Aug 2006

Science cannot understand paradoxes. Spirituality goes beyond that. Of course, you won't reveal what scientific qualification you actually have, or have not, but I will quote a real scientist to counter you, chosen at random; " A paradox is a sort of logical swindle that leads to a surprising ...

19 Aug 2006

Destruction reffers to the destruction of our weaknesses. Yes, but we are dealing the obvious BK concept of global Destruction here. Trying to find a more complete picture of what it is and how it works. There may well be a connection between the internal destruction and external Destruction. I hav...

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