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08 Sep 2006

John wrote:
bansy wrote:In line with the last few posts above, maybe there should be a category "ex-PBK" who could answer some recent threads.


Why not just combine it with ex-BKs, presumably they had to be ex-BKs first? This is probably a threat to post in the Admin section though.

08 Sep 2006

Do you mean editing in this forum or in Murlis. I usually edit my posts long after a thread is complete, or just after submitting the post, due to grammatical tenses and spelling mistakes, just to make it easier for others to read. Of course, some posts are "edited" because they are cross...

08 Sep 2006

Meeting in the Suble region is possible on the level of thinking. Actually, I am sorry to say but in my opinion, you are wrong here. On the basis of my experiences [as you ask], the experiences of many others ... and how do you account for the experiences of the trance messengers? My fear is that m...

08 Sep 2006

I found the depictions of the Golden Age more alarming than the destruction footage.... :? I found them deeply disturbing, ditto both Destruction and the Golden Age, and utterly irresponsible. Disturbing in the manner that the BKWSU use such blatant self-glorifying, immature, propagandistic mind co...

08 Sep 2006

A point of light is a point of light how does one distinguish Shiva from another point of light? Hi. This is one of the PBK's "neologisms". One of their yuktis or "new doctrines". Of course one can tell the difference! Actually, it is as incorrect as saying, "how can a blin...

07 Sep 2006

If we could relate our experience of what benefit will it be, is Shiv himself relates His experience about how it is being bodiless, can we not become of the same stage? ... Remember me in this body. (24-12-70 pg-3) ... (13-5-69 pg-1) ... Those who remember Father above (in the Soul World) follow t...

Re: aliens are responsible

07 Sep 2006

''We have it from a close source of the PBK inner circle that the aliens had successfully completed the 7 day course, and were so impressed by the nature of the Revelations of Advanced Knowledge they offered by way of Godly seva to remove any terrestrial objects left over on the moon or any other l...

06 Sep 2006

Andrey can you tell us what it feels likes to be in your stage of conscious and what your Yoga experience is like? When you sit down in meditiation, what happens? Why sit in meditation? Baba says walk, talk and remember. Sitting, walking, talking; if I cannot get a straight answer from Andrey, the ...

05 Sep 2006

Are we to make people beg from ourselves when we ourselves are the ones who receive? Are we to make them ask when it is a right for them to have without asking. Is it not that it is because this way we too are little bit important, Without us they remain thirsty and hungry. Andrey, you did not read...

05 Sep 2006

Andrey wrote:Why is their position not high? Because their stage is not high. Their stage is not spiritual.

Is your stage higher than their stage? Andrey, can you tell us what it feels likes to be in your stage of conscious and what your Yoga experience is like? When you sit down in meditiation, what happens?

04 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:Well, yes, but that was an honest lie. Or Brahma Baba's own churnings.

But this was spoken soon after his death - and supposed perfection as the BKs tell it.

Do perfect Trikaldarshi beings, equal and at one with God, Number 1 in the human tree, get their churnings wrong or tell lies?

04 Sep 2006

Why should we leave others hungry, so that they come to us? Because where someone has been starved for a long time, you can kill them by feeding them too much. So as food, so as knowledge. Its a tendency I experienced and saw often amongst BK Brahmins. Likewise, individuals need a balanced food. Wi...

04 Sep 2006

One has to understand Murlis and Avyakt Vani points are necessary. I am sure we all agree atma. But there is a difference between using one accurate Murli point like a surgeon's knife and using 20 Murli points like a big hammer. There is a Sanskar we all have from Bhakti that we need to protect our...

04 Sep 2006

Here is the nice full ones in good quality, if you see the changes the BK's have made they have completely stripped them. They are such beautiful pictures I do not know how one could take anything away from them. Those look like really good scans of the originals! There is a new gallery of images i...

03 Sep 2006

Its a darna point really Andrey and you ought examine it. For newcomers, this issue goes back to the beginning of this Forum where Andrey used to club everyone over the head with endless and mostly irrevelent Murli points. There is nothing wrong with short relevent ones and John makes a valuable poi...

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