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More Mike George

22 Sep 2006

Ooops ... Someone missed out the BKWSU link on their website again! I am not sure quite what the geographic references are, perhaps they are centres he has visited or places he would like to go on a paid holiday to ... UK – South America – France – Turkey – M...

More coaches

22 Sep 2006

I tell you, these BKWSU have more coaches in their midst than Victoria Bus Station during a drivers' strike. Here we go again; Brahma Kumaris Hounslow. Contact: BKWSU teacher Carol Lipthorpe, Centre Co-ordinator 216 Bath Road, Hounslow, Middlesex, TW4 7DE Purpose of organisation: We offer self-devel...

Re: How to remember ShivBaba

22 Sep 2006

as there are 3 souls--bindis (points of light) in the body of Veerendra Dev Dixit Yikes! You are saying that, at all times , there are three souls in the head of the body we know as Virendra Dev Dixit? That being; • Supreme Soul Shiva • The Soul previously known as Lekhraj Kirpalani • Virendra Dev ...

22 Sep 2006

They sure as hell never told me that one. Makes the whole thing seem even more like childish nonsense. It's embarassing to think that I fell for it all. I just found out that they never told the original Westerners coming into Gyan about the failure of the 1976 Destruction prediction either. Even t...

22 Sep 2006

Which of the images mentions 5 billion? The Ladder - original English version. Right down the bottom, click on the thumbnail below for a high resolution image. It will take a little time to download/scroll if you are on slow dial up. http://BrahmaKumaris.Info/bb/userpix/5_88pxLadder_1.jpg Thanks. D...

21 Sep 2006

I wonder how much the celebrities know about the BK's I very much doubt whether Robin Gibb and Ruby Wax etc. are aware that the organization promoting the event believe the following: 4. That the maximum world population is 5.5 billion, considerably less that present 14. That dinosaurs existed 5,00...

Re: wembley

19 Sep 2006

1. Brahma Kumaris completed 70 years of existence; You know, it is all very wrong. But by BK lore they should not be celebrating, they should be commiserating. How many lives did they chew up because of all that Destruction-Destruction stuff on the basis that it was all going to be over 50-50 years...


19 Sep 2006

Not really sure where to ask but, a) what do PBKs consider to be "mic souls"? There is a lot of stress in the Murlis for the BK to find them. Does it mean something else in Advanced Knowledge? b) do PBKs teach the same rituals for Thursday morning Bhog offering? Does that have roots in Gya...

Re: caching

19 Sep 2006

What is Mr Gibb's status BK wise? A contact or more? Is he not the one without the beard? Yup, they got the wrong one because Barry had too much of a beard. I don't know ... but was that not a big Indian gold Shiv Baba pendant strung around Lynne Franks' neck in the promo video? She's a "Mic&q...

19 Sep 2006

Brahma Baba also plays a part through Mummy I know this is a PBK thread but the world is watching ... can you qualify "Mummy" here? I guess by BB you mean Lekhraj Kirpalani? It does get confusing at times. Some needs to publish a "family tree" of the spiritual lineage. This is a...

Re: BeeGee Janki

17 Sep 2006

I really do have better things to do with my time but I hope someone enjoys this ... here's another one to the tune of "Stayin' Alive" . Click here to play song [* BK WARNING again; this weblink contains even more facial hair and Barry Gibb's lunchbox]. For those pukka BK students dropping...

Oh Christ ...

17 Sep 2006

The seed soul of Christian religion becomes responsible for the breaking of the household path of Father in the beginning. Clarification for ignorant ex-BK please ... by "seed soul of Christian religion", you don't mean the Christ soul or Jesus, you mean some Brahmin soul with "Chris...

BeeGee Janki

17 Sep 2006

And Robin Gibb should have written a song to the Supreme Soul, rather than to Dadi Janki. Since Dadi Gulzar, BapDada's Chariot, did not get a song written for her. In fact, it was only Dadi Gulzar who mentioned the Supreme Soul, and there was not even a flash of the Shiva symbol, I guess He doesn't...

Re: The underhand handover. do not let the left hand know what

16 Sep 2006

sparkal wrote:And the ADI/ADAM label given to Brahma, is there room for a re think on this yet? The start/beginning?, the first soul? Maybe, if it is an immaculate conception.

Otherwise Krisna's Father could be said to be the first man etc.

Yes, you are starting to sound like a PBK already Sparkal ...

15 Sep 2006

Dear Brother, I thought that the whole human body consisting of billions of cells is treated as one living organism, but your statement will make each cell in the human body to be an independant organism. As far as I know mitochondria is only a part of any living cell which is supposed to be its po...

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