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Steve Hassan on Cults

12 Oct 2006

I really want to come back to you on the hypnotism issue because I think it is one of the most central or important to exploring BK practise. I am not in one of the "either/or" camps. I am of the "and something else ... " opinion. I think there is a psychic element to hypnotism a...

Virendra Dev Dixit and Gulzar

11 Oct 2006

I suppose it will be more interesting to get Dadi Gulzar and Veerendra Dev Dixit on the same stage. For example, on 15th of October or 31st of December or 18th of January etc. I absolutely agree! I wish both parties would allow it to happen. How can we make it happen? If the Prajapita Brahma Kumari...

Good article about Sindhi at time of Lekhraj Kirpalani

11 Oct 2006

A Good article about Sindhi in the late 19th / early 20th Century to put the Yagya story into perspective. From; University of Illinois website, The Story of Sindh by K. R. Malkani with photographs from a different source. Given the sanctifying and sanitization of the Lekhraj Kirpalani story, I thi...

Dadi Janki

11 Oct 2006

I was looking at Amazon today and say Janki Kirpalani's book " Wings of Soul ". I am not going to buy one although there are "34 used & new available from $0.01" at the current time. I must flag up the usual BK spin, as is my sanskar to do so. It says; About the Author Disreg...

09 Oct 2006

Do you consider deliberate altering of ShivaBaba's Murli as a mistake? In the early days in the West, all the Murlis came in Hindi and the sisters-in-charge would have to edit them on the hoof. This, of course, caused problems because some Sisters were better at translating than other Sisters and s...

Gatherings outside of BKWSU

09 Oct 2006

But a huge group of people are gathering outside the Brahma Kumaris who do not like what is happening in the Brahma Kumaris because of "Maya-Ravan". So I think we should stick together to keep our identity as BKs (BKs who are broad minded) and this forum would help us do that. United we s...

09 Oct 2006

hey sparkal, I thought you'd left us and now you seem to be here again.....and this place is all the better for you I say Yup, but he is talking about his "Honeymoon Period" being over when he has already walked out of the family house at least three times ... it must be a love-hate co-de...

Big in Croatia

09 Oct 2006

There are serious issues about the New Age "spirituality" commercialism of Mike, Brian et al and these cannot be looked at without also looking at this "sell your house to God in exchange for good karma" practice. I don't know about "tickets to heaven" but you could al...

Spiritual Quotient Consulting Centre -

08 Oct 2006

Thank you to an anonymous supporter: Spiritual Quotient Consulting Centre ;, a proprietory firm in Gujarat’s commercial capital-‘textile, diamonds and silk’ city, Surat. BK Sister in white sari with Shiv Shakti badge selling "Self-Sovreign World-Sovreign" with Shiva and ...

08 Oct 2006

**** is bottled beautifully, with artistic labels describing how lovingly the **** was produced for the thirsty people of the world. With smiles and loving glances the 'product' is distributed to the needy, those with no money had to go without. This is last time I translate. I think it is best to ...

08 Oct 2006

The things I appear to not understand about hypnotism I am quite happy for you to enlighten me about ... I too find it fascinating ... I have had some personal experience with "Light Trance" hypnotism that I am happy to share/relate. But I would appreciate a short summary or breakdown of ...

07 Oct 2006

From a post by primal.logic in the ex-BK forum; • The Power of Now by Ekhart Tolle . Tolle is a German living in Canada who defines the relationship between time, ego and confusion. His point is that ego cannot exist without consciousness being trapped in past and future. This means that when we bec...

07 Oct 2006

I have no wish to police anybody’s language. It is the substance of what they are saying rather than how they say it I am taking issue with. In my opinion to accuse named individuals in a public forum of such actions and intentions requires more than satire as its justification. I for one would lik...

Oxford Set

06 Oct 2006

My prediction is that Mike George will assume control when Dadi Janki retires. I suspect that through the use of NLP Mike has 'primed' the power badges for his imminent take over. They know it will be in the best interests of all concerned parties Mike George is a spin doctor supreme. He and Jayant...

water is often symbolic of the unconscious

06 Oct 2006

(since the rest of the world was underwater) Don't let me detract from the major part of this query, but to put a PBK angle on this idea, is there a change that "sub-merged under the Ocean" is symbolic rather than literal? Sub-merged under water is often symbolic of the unconscious or the...

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