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Holy Smoke

15 Oct 2006

Movie : • Holy Smoke by Campion Sisters Starring Kate Winslet and Harvey Keitel, Holy Smoke centers on the efforts of an American to try to deprogram an Australian woman taken in by an Indian cult. There are other characters in Holy Smoke, but their roles are all inconsequential. Written as an absur...

15 Oct 2006

I think I have an explanation. Cocks-and-bulls stories are not supposed to be based on reason, logic or common sense. Do not look for these mundane things in Murlis unless you want to completely destroy your chances of becoming a devata. Lots of laughs Freefall, welcome to the forum. I recognise th...

15 Oct 2006

I appreciate that this is a difficult area for many to discuss but one in which someone has to grasp the nettle and explore it to the full satisfaction of others. A few observations; Question: If we say that procreation takes place through the power of Yoga in the Golden Age, then there is no Yoga, ...

14 Oct 2006

This Indian Buddhist Movement is a somewhat interesting concept in that it plunges the followers into throwing away all their beliefs of Gods they've had .. I used to think it was sort of funny that some Vaishnavites, Krishna worshippers, took the partyline that the Buddha was an incarnation of Vis...

14 Oct 2006

Murli are God's words, which He addresses to you personally ... There is no manmat in Murli. No. I have had this confirmed by Senior Sisters. Some of the Murli is from Lekhraj Kirpalani. The BKWSU gets around this by say that Lekhraj Kirpalani/BB's versions are Shrimat as well but they are not. He ...

Re: the truth

14 Oct 2006

Unfortunately, this is true. There were more souls listening to her amazing story and in time they will report it too. I am not sure how much should be revealed here because of this Didi's security. Let us say it is very fortunate. God bless her honesty and sincerity, protect her ... and damn the r...

Re: Low-caste Hindus adopt new faith

14 Oct 2006

What's the news coverage of this like in India ? " Could we have Buddists to the right and Christians to the left ... form an orderly queue please ... crosses can be purchased at the exit to the West, miniture Stupas to the East ... Thank you very much ladies and gentlemen! " ??? The Varn...

Re: drama

14 Oct 2006

I recently met with a BK Didi that told me how she herself and others like Dadi Janki, Dadi Kumarka, Dadi Gulzar and all the important administrators of Mount Abu meet in the early hours, behind heavy curtains and closed doors to watch and study the VCD* from Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit about the Adva...

Re: Pandavas and heaven.

14 Oct 2006

As for lust Baba says those that give their true pota mail to the Father have nothing to worry about. It is the egotistical souls that try to prove themselves to be cleverer than the Father who will fail. Pota mail? I see reference here . Is that chart or confessional letters? How do PBKs practise ...

13 Oct 2006

Why should we talk about sexuality. This sexual revolution is the biggest downfall of the humanity. I observe the difference from India to the West. In India people aim to reach a safe place, peaceful place, here they aim to reach a jungle. No, the biggest downfall of the humanity was Brahma in the...

BKWSU's big sticks

13 Oct 2006

All the souls here are talking from an honest heart whether they agree or not. Dadi Janki, whether she does or not, I am sure would like to. In the world in which we live, all is not what it seems, or is made out to be. It dictates to the likes of Dadi Janki and others, including ourselves. The wor...

13 Oct 2006

Baba says all men are vicious. Baba has said marriage is a disaster. This Baba does not always know what he is talking about ... Firstly, you always have to qualify WHICH Baba is saying what and qualify disaster. Forum rules and commonsense. In this case, I am 100% sure that is it Lekhraj Kirpalani...

History of the Practise of BK Raja Yoga + PBK Practise

13 Oct 2006

I wanted to ask some questions regarding the history of the practise of BK Yoga and the PBK practise in order to document its evolution as sold by the BKWSU. By that I mean, what, how and by whom the actually sitting practise of BK Yoga was developed. I do not know but I have the impression that in ...

Re: Dadi Janki

12 Oct 2006

Dear soul. Om Shanti. Do you indeed now all about Janki's youth. I mean exactly. What was she doing or what she was not doing? How many was sick? Do you have this full information in order to make negative statements. Or you are doing them because of the habit? What is your true intention? ... Obje...

Re: Gatherings outside of BKWSU

12 Oct 2006

Dear souls. Om Shanti. OK one may not like how the studying is organised in BK. But if he really appreciate knowledge and have love to God, then he should at least practice remembrance. God says: all knowledge are in MANAMANABHAV. Sure, but that does not really address the question. I am very inter...

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