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20 Oct 2006

I had an Indian made one, solid gold, quite a chunk of metal, with a unique design ... I gave it back when I left. Shame, I could have got a few quid for it !!!!!!!! So, the next question is ... where is all this gold coming from ? Some one has to work to pay for it. I heard that Gulzar's badge eve...

Facial hair and food fighting

20 Oct 2006

Hi I apologize if this brings up personal issues for individuals but what is the issue Dadi Janki has with men with facial hair? We joked about this a lot. It is obviously true because the sources span an experience of may be 20 years or more. Did Mama tell the Sisters that men with facial hair were...

Re: Fossil fish fills evolutionary gap

20 Oct 2006

The four-legged land animals as Baba already mentioned Hmmn ... nice fossil but not really what I was thinking about. We were talking about "Four-legged large animals", i.e. how did Tyrannosaurus Rex that lived about 65 million years ago (which is really 2 arms and 2 legs and a tail) beco...

19 Oct 2006

She felt that because she was the medium that she should have more say in the running of the Yagya, and there were others that agreed with her and felt she had more authority than Brahma. The story follows that eventually she and her circle of supporters came to be known as the Golden Circle (with ...

rank BKs

19 Oct 2006

you should see how networking goes on in order to get a pink ribbon !!!!!!!!!!! OK. So what is a " pink ribbon "? A backstage pass to the God Gig at Abu? This is getting interesting, we start to see the BKs in their true colors. A bit like those badges and who gets the biggest ones; the O...

19 Oct 2006

You should convince others that you yourself is ShivBaba, not that He speaks through you. He himself comes and speaks. We can belive if The Knowledge is true. Why do you think 4 age is a joke? Andrey, does God have a sense of humor at all? Should we not become like him in all ways? For his sake, pl...

19 Oct 2006

At my local BK center it was a difficult thing for a BK Sister to understand. How I could be in a room with another Sister and not have lustful thoughts. This Sister did not think it was possible. It is kind of funny in a way. But sad and dangerous in another if this is the mind set of the Sisters....

Double Foreigners/Westerners treatment

18 Oct 2006

Double foreigners atleast get to walk up to BapDada. We, Indians have to be content watching BapDada from a distance of 100(s) of metres. What is the rationale behind this differentiation? Or, dare I ask, the Murli point/Shrimat that justifies it? Why are the Double Foreigners/Westerners treated be...

18 Oct 2006

even if this - Brahma Baba makes a mistake He'll (ShivBaba) put it right Have we seen any evidence to support this? The point with regards the senior Sisters is that they lived with Lekhraj, saw it, heard it, you did not. Actually, as you know The Knowledge was not always complete and so in the beg...

17 Oct 2006

Mr Green wrote:do you know about the golden circle?

Not at all ... the mysteries keep unfolding ...

17 Oct 2006

Otherwise to be fair, I hope that someone from the Vishnu Party would come out and give their opinion too. Me too. Even if we are too late to be invited to the party, they are still ex-BKs and have something to say. The trouble is, it does not exactly look very close to Gyan at all. No names, key f...

More BKWSU Murli re-writes?

17 Oct 2006

OK. Every one knows I am not a PBK and I found these of my own accord. But there are dates and so they are checkable. If you can find an original un-edited version. Why has this all been written out of BK history? " At the beginning of the yagna there were two female children who used to even d...

Re: Girl alleges Kidnapping by BKWSUs

17 Oct 2006

I have no idea if this is true. Is anyone able to search these references? It reads as a little bit exaggerated but I have no idea what being a BK in the villages in like. I took out "torture" from the heading of this post but "kidnapping" I can believe. My guess is rather than ...

It's the End of the World as we know it ... Again

17 Oct 2006

Yes, yes, I know that this time it REALLY is the End of the World but just for the sakes of historical accuracy, someone has sat down and documented more end of the worlds than I even knew began. The 19th and 20th Century take up 9 pages alone! Its a sign! Probably ... Click the link for this websit...

Girl alleges Kidnapping by BKWSUs

16 Oct 2006

From: I have no idea if this is true. Is anyone able to search these references? It reads as a little bit exaggerated but I have no idea what being a BK in the villages in like. I took out "torture" from the heading of this post but "kidnapping" I can ...

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