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Re: suicide reinforces BK faith

10 Nov 2006

As I find myself looking over the edge again I am deeply disturbed by the reaction of BKs to ex BK 'misadventure'. I remember when I was a BK and news was received of an ex BK's misfortune - it was automatically interpreted as being the result of their leaving Gyan ... <snip> Anyway, I've more to s...

Daughter of Lekhraj in the Raja Yoga Centre in Calcutta

25 Oct 2006

I was reading some academic that had a discussion with a daughter of Lekhraj Kirpalani who was living in the "Raja Yoga Centre" in Calcutta in February 1984.

Does any one know if she is still live or anything about her story?


25 Oct 2006

What has this rule brought? You are obsessed with Kings and ruling, I am obsessed with Queens and service. I guess those are the two sides of the Brahmin family ... OK, let's take sime simple like infant mortality. Not just infant mortality but the mortality rates of mothers and child at birth - bo...

24 Oct 2006

Democracy is man-made. It is a rule of people over people. Those who rule in this rule have never thought themselves the art of ruling. That's why everyone thinks I can also become. God establishes righteous kingdom. He teaches Raja Yoga to become kings of kings. This topic is "Shiva and Drama...

24 Oct 2006

Getting a grant does not mean anything -- positive or negative. As long as you claim that you are not a religious but cultural organization and have sympathizers in the higher echelons of bureaucracy, you are in the game. BK wins on both. I am not sure where all this "Values Education" st...

24 Oct 2006

Many Indian BK teachers encourage rich BK students to gift gold/silver items whenever Dadis/senior BK Sisters visit their places ... So how can one become detached if one is wearing golden rings, chains or badges? Someone said to me that Gulzar even has diamonds in her badge! Does this ring true to...

23 Oct 2006

Omshanti. Another issue that has been made by controversial by the different versions of BK literature is the age of Brahma Baba (Dada Lekhraj). Most versions say he was 60 in 1936/37. Some versions say fifty/late fifties. PBKs say that it was Sevakram, Brahma Baba's partner who was 60 in 1936 and ...

BK in science

23 Oct 2006

THE EFFECT OF AUTOGENIC RELAXATION ON CHRONIC TENSION HEADACHE AND IN MODULATING CORTISOL RESPONSE Summary Headache and stress may co-exist as cause or effect. This study was designed to co-relate chronic tension headache with blood cortisol level an...

BKWSU gets Government Grants in India

23 Oct 2006

Can anyone comment on this? BKWSU gets Government Grants in India under the front names " RajYoga Education & Research Foundation, Rajouri Garden, New Delhi " and " Brahma Kumaris Education Society ". Also the same of Mysore elsewhere. As an example, it says here a grant was ...

Business as usual - The Janki Foundation and

22 Oct 2006

The website for "President" Janki Kripalani's foundation has had a make over by the same people that did BK Brian Bacon's Oxford Leadership Academy by the looks of it. UN credibility factor pops up but a prize to anyone that can find mention of the BKs, BKWSU or BK Raja Yoga related to BK ...

22 Oct 2006

Hey! I got you! Not physically death. Mentally, just! My understanding is that she has Alzheimer's Disease or senile dementia and drifts in and out of periods of consciousness. I think it was mentioned in another thread, here . Is this the same one? Does anyone know better? I suppose "lies&quo...

22 Oct 2006

This is going to wander a little so if you want to follow the thread of "Shiva and Drama", skip down to the "Imagine for a moment" story. All of these channels are very funny indeed ... So these books, writers etc. are all human beings. Nothing good has come from them. The world ...

21 Oct 2006

Also in this book (Peace and Purity), it says Brahma Baba died from a heart attack, which I am sure it doesn't say in the Jagdish book. This is what the PBKs say, so another point to them for being truthful. Its funny but in India, the big name gurus die in true yogi style. Knowing the time of deat...

21 Oct 2006

For me it is very different from everything. e.g. science has very different approach. It tries to come to know things from a point of view of being ignorant. Here this knowledge comes form an authority who claims himself to be knowledgeful, without study. This is new. It is not new actually. There...

20 Oct 2006

BK teacher of Agra which was also reported in the newspapers, but was probably hushed up and did not reach the level of TV reporting. Please tell us. Do you have any references? It is only by making these things public, in God's consciousness, that the BKWSU as a whole will be forced to stop its te...

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