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Judith Pemell

14 Nov 2006

Soul Illuminated by Judith Pemell. Judith Pemell is a Sydney-based counsellor and educator in inner development, with a professional background in chemical dependency and other addictions. Her work in this field has been presented to the World Health Organization in Geneva by special invitation, an...

14 Nov 2006

But before we can go to heaven in our consciousness we go to above hell. We go to Shantidham. We become peaceful. Then we become happy. Andrey, you really ought to state, "I believe that ..." or "BKWSU/AIVV teaches that ..." etc. You don't know that. I am sorry but it is just a ...

Re: Excommunicating women for failed celibacy

14 Nov 2006

Later, I learned his charisma allowed him to have many dalliances. Women just fell for him, and were ready to get down and dirty with him, right then and there. Did Reiner leave the BKs or is he still around? I never realised that he was such a playboy. It makes you wonder which senior BK has not g...

14 Nov 2006

So ... would BK Gibb be a "microphone soul" by any chance? :P I'd say a microphone and a mixing desk soul ... The funnier thing is that SOMEONE , some elevated BK soul or souls within the hierarchy of theBKWSU, has to sit down and think and culculate like this; " No, no ... Jayanti K...

14 Nov 2006

I know that members are asked never to come back if drugs are found ... even marijuana :o. Personallly, I am not into drugs. But I really don't see them as any different from alcoholic use. Despite what the users say, use really damages and dulls the mind/intellect and creates a "strong ego&qu...

Accurate History of the terms Shiva called himself

13 Nov 2006

Hi • What is the accurate history of the terms "Shiva" has called himself? • Was it the Shiva soul that called himself these things or was it Brahma and the BK followers? OK. We are told that in the beginning the soul said after it possessed Lekhraj Kirpalani, "Shivoham, Shivoham ... ...

Pigeon food

13 Nov 2006

It is how we get stuck in Gyan - BKs maintain the association between perceived benefit and behaviour (staying in Gyan) long after the experience of the benefit has stopped. Even people who have left years ago cling to certain BK beliefs and behaviours because deep down they still maintain the asso...

Banned from the BKWSU (was Ex-communication Policy)

13 Nov 2006

Ha! I suppose you might say that this entirely website is "Ex-communication" but I have a serious question to ask others today. One of Baba's children told me that BK members were being threatened with "ex-communication" from the BKWSU if they were to leak any information about w...

13 Nov 2006

" So opposition takes the position ahead and one also gets success and you would keep getting success. This is definite. If anything happens any time do not get afraid. Success is with you. It is not with the opposition; it is with those who are in position. " Arjun, the PBKs consider tha...

Re: Spiritual soul

12 Nov 2006

To the ones who do not like this knowledge or oppose it I would like to present my full astonishment and a challenge that you, yourself, dare step a step forward and present more beautiful knowledge about the future and the past. Do you mean a more beautiful dream? Yes, dreams are important. Perhap...

12 Nov 2006

I tried to watch but 2-3 seconds is all I could take :? There is more ; This is a very pro, gee-whizz computer graphic version I have not seen before. Must be used as an introduction at Raja Yoga centers. If you have been in on the inside ...

Re: Heaven and Hell

12 Nov 2006

In hell we fall in love with each and every girls wee on the street and forget the next moment. To be honest, perhaps your country is different from mine but not every woman wees on our streets. We invented public toilets and drainage along time ago. Is there any logical reason to believe it is con...

11 Nov 2006

How big is your badge?

Big ...


Bigger ...


Biggest ... !


11 Nov 2006

World Peace Festival 2006 Any soul here attend this ? Not me. But it nice to see that they are still using only the young good-looking women to do the "Avyakt dances". Very attractive. I apologize in advance for being m...

Re: On the subject matter of karma

11 Nov 2006

As far as I know he had not committed any crime or violence to receive this beating it was a random act of violence. This is an area that interests me deeply. I think that the teaching of Karma is the most misunderstood element of Gyan. What we receive is little more than a one word mental plug or ...

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