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24 Nov 2006

If you, or ex-l, or anyone else wants to raise other issues, then you can always post them up as separate topics. If you would prefer I stop responding to your messages, I will ... no ill feelings. Sweetchill, the topics are already up there but BKs usually run shy of them.So, • what do you think E...

24 Nov 2006

Eugene has done some good - the organisation now has much better child protection procedures. But does anyone think he has pursued his cause with pure motive? You, he and others on here might want to think so ... but it's simply not the case. To be honest, it is very hard to know what you have been...

24 Nov 2006

I later told Jayanti I was aware of the entire conversation she had had, and later Jayanti told this person how angry she was for betraying her!!!!!!! Anger ... a senior BK expressing anger after all those years? Anger at loss of control or being exposed for what she said ... would not that suggest...

24 Nov 2006

primal.logic, I'd be interested to hear more of that meeting in the 'Holiest of Holy' grounds. I have heard Jayanti is really tense. I just cant find one good reason why an organization that uses dirty tactics be tolerated. I did not say that the organization is bad at all, from posts that I read he...

24 Nov 2006

I attended a class in Madubhan given by Lekhraj's son, and he claimed his Father was prone to mental illness and dilemma. This was later explained away as his visionary stage where it was claimed he saw the now infamous visions and also that his hand would keep drawing The Cycle against his own han...

23 Nov 2006

b) Believe that they are just naive BKs who don't know the real history of the BKs (1976 and all that). Institutionally speaking, what is the "corporate" response to the 1976 predictions? How long have you been inside and, in your time, what have they been telling you about Destruction? O...

23 Nov 2006

invited_to_be_a_bk wrote:it sounds ... that the damage they could give outweighs the goodness that they try to give the world.

Or to put the similar sentiments into other words, how can you promote Truth by telling untruths? [ ... especially to your own followers].

23 Nov 2006

I'd say overall this site does a better and more impartial job at representing the BKs and it's branches than any other site I've seen. If there is something you are not happy with (as I suspect is the case), why don't you just say what it is instead of setting up a leading question? I'd agree with...

23 Nov 2006

Words like Brainwashing and cult are always brought up when someone doesn't believe in the particular spiritual path, they are loaded words for which your average person on the street will see in a negative manner. I agree with both points of view. In religious circles, the word Cult has been given...

23 Nov 2006

The EEG (brainwave) tests were done at the Medical and science Research Institute at the University of Texas.U.S.A. In 1978, they proclaimed D Janki to have the most stable mind in the world. Yes, until the United Nations thing came through, it was the most touted credibility factor for the BK prac...

Re: Shiva mind games

23 Nov 2006

Does anyone know what the world population was in 1976, did someone post these figures already? A quick trawl of the internet gives the estimated figures of; 1975 - 4,073,000 2003 - 6,313,000 2015 - 7,219,000 According to the United Nations Development Programme. The teaching poster of 'The Ladder'...

Re: don't know if I could help my BK friend

21 Nov 2006

He's really a nice guy. He always smiles. I did not see him mad even though his kids could be difficult at times. It was my first time seeing a very responsible single hands-on dad. Just a couple of questions first, how old are his children and where is the wife? It is unusual that a Father gets cu...

Re: Silence/catching power

21 Nov 2006

Avyakt BapDada has said that with the power of silence the soul will be able to hear the thoughts of others as clearly as they are in front of us. Will we be able to catch the radio? I see the joke. Some people say they can, mad poeple say they do, researchers investigating "ghostly" nois...

21 Nov 2006

"Government is getting those bhandaris (donation boxes) closed; so BapDada is opening the bhandari of noble acts." Woo ... I wonder if this is a government directive? Is the BKWSU a registered charity in India? Has it had its status removed? This is pretty serious stuff and suggests a lit...

21 Nov 2006

Who are the christians in the PBK model.. how do you mean? I am just trying to understand the PBK concept of the seeds of different religions. What I have picked up from conversation is that the so-called "Islamic" ones are having a big influence right now, references to "traffic con...

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