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19 Dec 2006

Is it? (Genuine question) Infinity is a very, very big place ... and hurts our small mind to think about. Infinite energy, infinite mass, infinite expansion ... science so desperately wants to place it inside a finite box in order to under to be bigger than it. Even all 10, 11, and 26 dimensions .....

Re: Family Action Information Resource

19 Dec 2006

Does anyone know legally/technically what makes one group a cult and another a religion? I don't think there is one. There is a proper academic definition of "cult" that is removed from the sensationalistic definition, otherwise it is just down to a "what team do you support?" l...

19 Dec 2006

Aliens exist in duality only. They bred the dinosaurs, and cleared up the space junk in Copper Age onwards. A question for you. What is TIME? Bless you Button Slammer. Every time you grace us with your presence you free me further from the great illusion. It is all so easy! As an aside, I remember ...

Re: Baba and the Drama

19 Dec 2006

He only comes for 100 odd years and even then he comes only like a ship in the night. He never takes a body, so how would he know of the rest of the drama other than through Brahma? Or anything other than Lekhraj Kirpalani's past life experiences at a push? Do you remember the "Mickey Mouse&qu...

18 Dec 2006

For example, one Janak is famous. She has children; there is joint property; so how can she separate? How can the rich ones extract their property to surrender? Hmmn ... I wonder if we are any closer to discovering where the Janki personal bank accounts came from if she has not worked and has not b...

18 Dec 2006

I think expansive universe is philosophically untenable. And so it's just a matter of inclination (if we don't have evidence) between the last two scenarios. Is it? (Genuine question) Infinity is a very, very big place ... and hurts our small mind to think about. Infinite energy, infinite mass, inf...

18 Dec 2006

The skating around is because they all want to do it. So that's why folks go to the ice rink ... call me naive, I never realised. And there was me trying to perfect my figure of 8. Sex is one thing, falling in love is another. I don't know this but my feeling is that the latter is more of a problem...

18 Dec 2006

I brought it up to Sister Denise that I did not think it was right that the Murli could be changed and "brought up to date" and she told me that she couldn't speak for the translations but that in the original Murli, Baba has only ever used one number: 6.5 billion . Thanks for continuing ...

17 Dec 2006

Jagdish book "Eternal Drama" part two has the concept of spiral nature of time. He tried to disproved it by associating it with linear concept. Though, I don't agree with his line of thinking. I was looking at a romanesque cauliflower , click for link, yesterday and was inspired by the sp...

17 Dec 2006

I of course have heard of the PBKs but don't consider them to be much of a radical change. They still live a pure life - they just disagree on who the 'channeled' messages are from. OK. Yes, we started to discuss this under a topic or concept of "BK Laity". And, of course, there are may a...

Re: Ex-Members

16 Dec 2006

Uri Gellar! ... What on earth were they doing with him? (nice guy though he is). I suspect the same thing will happen as does other religions - there will be a break-away party (assuming the world doesn't end first!). Does nobody else see the BKs for what they really are - a new religion. cough ......

Re: What has Shiva really accomplished?

16 Dec 2006

Some are still thinking through direct Yoga, that they can purify the toxins in the food!!! ... I say move our big asses, start sweeping, cleaning-up the environment, be a self-sustaining organization, and plant our own organic vegetable. That is the way to "purify the elements" (bringing...

16 Dec 2006

Book: • The End of Faith by Sam Harris An analysis of the clash of faith and reason in the modern world. The End of Faith is about the suspension of reason in favor of religious beliefs, even when these beliefs inspire the worst of human atrocities. Harris argues that in the presence of weapons of m...

16 Dec 2006

Another one for food is that a centre wasis would not eat food that wasn't cooked in a centre, so not round at a BKs house. So I could only eat at the centre or GCH etc, the idea being you could only eat food bought directly from the bhandara. Very interesting. On one hand there are two elements of...

Duty of care

15 Dec 2006

I honestly don't see the problem here. If you don't like the BKs then you leave - simple. Ah, spoken like a true BK ... as primal said in three words, the issue is of " Duty of Care ". Not just the BKWSU's duty of care but our duty of care, one's duty to extend one's care to all society w...

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