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Ball of Dirt

30 Dec 2006

"..." mean snips, see links for original piece. This one is quite positive really, and goes into the Gyan, but I include the entertaining bits.This is some guy who just turned up at Abu ... Our Train arrived early (shock horror) in Abu Rd, 45 minutes from Mt. Abu. We missed our dinner on t...

Opinions about Brahma Kumaris in Blogs internationally

30 Dec 2006

Having a little trawl around the internet, I was interested to find a few more alternative voices discussing their BK-related experiences. It is very interesting to discover the many shades of white kurtas and saris out there, some of them less than a whiter shade of Pa le. I suggest we collect them...

29 Dec 2006

Before I reply in full, can any native Hindi speaker comment on the language that "Shiva" speaks?

Re: Mother of Love

28 Dec 2006

Is this the same Gibb that Tony Blair has gone to stay with for his Xmas/New Years break. Do the BKs know something we don't? Gosh. One whisper on this website and the controversy reaches the entire world ... I wonder if Dadi J is cashing in the payola on this one? PM 'paying' for Bee Gee home stay...

27 Dec 2006

And while we are at the spooky "Twilight Zone" stuff, I was trying to view a BK site in German and am left I am trying to work out what this web translation of the BK JAM pages means; click here . Just in case it changes or disapears; ... incoming goods of acres About the Brahma Kumaris Th...

Hunt for Fresh Meat - Inner Space shopfronts

27 Dec 2006

OK ... I am a one track sinner and I will go to hell ... but I could not help be amused by one of those little messages life sends us ( ... like BapDada meeting the BKWSU IT team on Halloween's night)! On the right, obscured by some nice flowers, the BKWSU "Inner Space" shop front ... On t...

Mother of Love

27 Dec 2006

As a footnote to the JAM event, Robin Gibb releases “Mother of Love” as digital single on iTunes etc and donates profits to Janki Foundation for Global Health Care.

You might find it and news of the gift on his myspace website.

Does anyone actually know what the Health Care foundation does?

27 Dec 2006

But how will the Freudian or other therapy heal you? Andrey, if you had problems driving an automobile, I would suggest you go to a driving instructor ... not read the Murli and do Raj Yoga. if your back was weak and you could not sit up straight, I would would suggest you go to a hatha Yoga teache...

27 Dec 2006

Yes, we do have such vision and we know we do, so where is the new? I think therapy comes into its place when the soul is in such a state that it needs help untangling itself and moving forward. At this point, it is one's choice or fortune to chose one of the many schools of mental therapy, Freudia...

27 Dec 2006

he is present in only one soul's body. He does not enter, inspire etc. Yes, he can even do these, as it is said in the Murli, he enters children narrates Murli, gives drishti etc. OK. Small clarification here, please ... a) can Shiv be on two places at the one time, e.g. to be in Virendra Dev Dixit...

26 Dec 2006

Andrey wrote:ha

Which means what?

26 Dec 2006

Why indulge in useless discussion? People here seem to have stable positions and don't seem to like to change it. Or will someone come with the attitude ... OK, let me learn something ... no everyone likes to teach. I guess that is very honest of you Andrey and why you enter into conflict with us. ...

26 Dec 2006

But what is strange is when one person themself cannot take a decision, what is the logic that many people like this, who themselves on their own cannot take the decision, when they gather they, by miracle, become capable to take the correct decision. Is this last bit sarcasm ... or are you suggest...

26 Dec 2006

Play : • No Exit by Jean-Paul Sartre Yes, I know it is a bit of a corny show off pseud thing to do ... recommend some Sartre ... but this recollection was inspired by Bansy's post about how this forum is a bit like a blog in that we write our posts to ourselves. The concept behind the play might as ...

26 Dec 2006

The bottom line, as I see it ex-l, is that belief is intoxicating. It gives you personal power and direction. So who cares if the finger of corruption is pointed at your faith, f**k them, this is what I believe and I am sticking with it ... It's this type of awareness your dealing with. It is like ...

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