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08 Jan 2007

How is the faith of BKs any worse than any other repressivistic religion? Or BKs unhappier than other missionaries? End of the World now ... mainly. The millenarianist stuff. From what I have read, they are slipping in Yoga with whatever it is they are having Yoga with and The Cycle covertly, witho...

Re: BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wif

08 Jan 2007

I know in what sense you mean "Its funny", but I am not laughing at those who have lost their family and their financial security. Yes, you are right and I am wrong. I apologize entirely. It is not funny at all and the human cost is and has been immeasurable. I know that the BKWSU just sh...

07 Jan 2007

From a kindly donor ... full double page article.


07 Jan 2007

Wow, what a thread - absolutely incredible. I never imagined this BK Universe. ... Could it be that the Seniors realise that we have all gone completely bonkers so they are just look on nodding sagely at all of our games whist maintaing steadfast focus on their own stages. Is that good or bad? It i...

07 Jan 2007

OK, no more blubbering from me as it will make me horse, and no more porky pies. I'll spam my posts more carefully ... You really know your onions when it comes to your animal products, Bansy, but I still think the BKWSU is full of tripe. Ah well. Maybe it is a sure sign that we are on the verege o...

07 Jan 2007

Yes, the BKs are obessed with the rich and famous. Hilarious really ... I met Lynne a few times at GCH, what a banana ... it's just a bit of fun for them. They don't actually follow any of it and aren't expected to. They would also get rushed straight on the stage at Mt. Abu whilst many effort make...

07 Jan 2007

To rub more salt into the meat, the flag seems to be flying slightly to the left over the roof of the butchers. Or is it just your camera angle ex-l? :lol: Look Bansy, if you have a beef with the photographer, don't mince your words about it. I know that you are a sweet lamb but don't be chicken. I...

07 Jan 2007

I had seen a copy of the deed of registration of World Renewal Trust. And I think we also have a copy of the bulletin that was published in some BK literature in 1969 that said that Brahma Baba died of heart attack. More investigation may reveal more facts related to the case. It is another matter ...

07 Jan 2007

Mama did not cause any stress to Brahma Baba. In fact it was she, who used to manage most of the problems while she was alive. But after her demise, the devilish elements within the Brahmin family strarted disobeying Brahma Baba and through their violations of Shrimat, they started hurting Brahma B...

07 Jan 2007

There are too many Western BKs giving service in countries outside of their own origin, is it because they are unable to do the service in their own country ? Let at least Dadis do the world service only. Have quality, not quantity. (Could be a start of another thread). Interesting one ... Western ...

07 Jan 2007

Is this online article also on the paper version of the London Evening Standard ? It quotes "The Mail on Sunday" which has a circulation of over 2.3 Million. So may be it is coming out in that today. Any UK based members care to check and see? The interesting things that come out of the a...

treacher training

07 Jan 2007

Being trained. What do you mean! in my experience being trained can take the form of the following assertion: "you have taken Baba's Gyan and you understand it so you can give the 7-day course". I heard that BKWSU teachers are instructing mothers to be detached and not touch their childre...

BKWSU trial by media begins with UK Prime Minister's wife?

07 Jan 2007

Its funny, the official BKWSU spokesperson does not contradict that the BKs wreck marriages, they say, "it is very much a minority thing". They also declined to comment on whether it encourages followers to donate property and savings. But this is what you get if you start to sup with dev...


07 Jan 2007

I have to say ... even now I cannot stand garlic, don't cook onions at home and hate the way it seems to be stuffed into all and every vegetarian food. It is almost impossible to avoid unless you cook your own. Sattvic is not just a BK concept. If one does not actually eat onions and garlics, the sm...

Re: HISTORY OF Vishnu Party

07 Jan 2007

It was by this number one soul that Brama Kumaris Godly University was established in 1936-37 by spending his own money in his previous birth. He was then known by the name PIU ... He remained in the institution after founding that institution. He imparted knowledge to the then followers ... This P...

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