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15 Jan 2007

I used to hear from SS classes that those who defamed and left the Yagya during those earlier years either have become cooperative or have come to know that BKWSU is indeed an institution established by God. How did they prove it? Or was it just another mental plug/wishful thinking to stop students...

14 Jan 2007

While you remember other bodily beings, you will not claim a high status among the subjects either ... I have never missed out on putting into practice all the directions that Baba has given for service. Those who are to claim a high status will instantly follow all the directions that Baba gives ....

14 Jan 2007

Seems 2012 is the new 1999. See the thread, Its the end of the World ... again! . Then there is always 2036 to look forward by which we will all be too old and dead and the BKWSU will be run by kids that never got to hear the truth in the first place. Let us guess what The Knowledge will consist of...

12 Jan 2007

This must have continued in the early years of 1970s. But when the foreigners and VIPs started arriving at Mount Abu and BK centers, the above rule must have been relaxed/changed to please the foreigners and VIPs, for whom it might have been difficult to bear with the cold weather of Mount Abu with...

12 Jan 2007

Now in the context of this forum revised means to alter and to change. However revised also means to visit again, to look at again as in revising for exams. Which is exactly what is happening with those avaykt Murlis. True and false ... Unfortunately, the Avyakt Murlis are being re-edited as well. ...

12 Jan 2007

I have been told in Gyani chit chat that a day will come when the government in India will handover governance of Bharat to the BK's. The reason I was given for this is that one day Bharat will become ungovernable and the profile of BKs as being pure etc etc would make then ideal candidates - I kid...

12 Jan 2007

He is a decent bloke, I got on well with him, given a lot of status and he doesn't really lord it over others ... Maureen is also nice, but not right. Sure, but do you think he has been keeping up a pension plan, savings account, healthcare insurance? Or has he given it all away and is now just liv...

11 Jan 2007

Since you have expressed a doubt, I would seek clarification from ShivBaba (through Baba Veerendra Dev Dixit) and let you know if you are interested. I am not worthy of either your time or his and so I am happy for answers to emerge over time when I am ready. The concept of Karma as it is, is a goo...

11 Jan 2007

I like the idea that senior's farts shouldn't smell. It all depends on whether they are; afartna, sufartna or vifartna . Only afartna farts are farts without consequence and the BKs teach this applies only to the Golden Age. By the time we enter the Silver Age there is a slightest of whiff about th...

11 Jan 2007

John wrote:Madame of a brothel?

... as long as everyone stops for traffic control ...

11 Jan 2007

And wish to add that Baba has said that if a soldier shoots at someone (enemy) on the orders of his superiors then he would not accrue any sin on account of it. From a karmic/spiritual point of view, I am not sure about this at all. If we use that hoary old example, this would that individual Nazis...

11 Jan 2007

If it is posible to post Dadi Janki's classes, is it possible to post Murlis?

11 Jan 2007

Maureen has indeed been surrendered now for many years. She and her husband David, who worked until recently, were seen as one of the first white couples to surrender. She and her husband were not that old. How old are they? 50-ish? How has he managed to retired? Another surrendered BK that had the...


10 Jan 2007

More proof that senior Sisters shouldn't be taken seriously, would it be fair to say they know next to nothing? Or that they are just "acting out", to quote a psychological term, being gurus. ( I am very poor ... times are hard ... I was thinking of opening a bar and may be a brothel beca...

Indian ex-BK experience

10 Jan 2007

I had a question regarding the Indian ex-BK experience. Obviously, most folks reaching this forum are non-Indian or Westerners. My question relates to whether the Indian ex-BK experience is different from the non-Indian ex-BK experience. I heard a story about an Indian ex-BK, a center-wassi, that le...

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