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Simon Blandford and More BKWSU re-writes

06 Feb 2007

For those of you interested in watching the BKWSU re-write the internet, here is another quote from one of the BKWSU IT Team, BK Simon Blandford. I should think card carrying BKs will be as confused as I am by this. Revision as of 13:52, 3 February 2007 (edit) (undo) Bksimonb (Talk | contribs) (?Hin...

06 Feb 2007

If you want a perfect example of how the BKWSU works with regards media re-writes. Here are BK Luis "Not fast enough, not strong enough" Riveros re-writes . This is the BKWSU IT team "spearheading", as Luis like to call it, the members Wikipedia Arbitration Committee, who all rec...

Re: Information Cleansing

06 Feb 2007

"Information Cleansing" This is the type of information that is busily being deleted from the internet by BKWSU IT people. They will be individual BKs like BKsimonb etc. They will try to confuse the issue by posting under multiple identities, e.g. Avyakt7, BKkaruna etc. For those in charg...

Re: Follow the Money

06 Feb 2007

others report that Janki has just told them there is no money in the bank. Does Janki mean the BKWSU bank account or her own bank account? On the Charity Commission website, the Total Funds for the UK has risen to £16.29m. It might be worth ordering the latest accounts and having a look see what it...

Re: Have a drink!

06 Feb 2007

Have you thought about going to the small claims court. I can give you some details. They are very cheap and informal. Is not Small Claims for £5,000 or less (or £1,000 or less if the claim is for personal injury)? May be he could claim back just part of his loss. There are other laws, e.g. one for...

Re: Medium wins channeling right

06 Feb 2007

If the BKs have legal copyright to channel Shiva, then is it the BKWSU who hold the right or is it Dadi Gulzar? If the copyright goes legally to an individual, and that individual dies, what then. Maybe it passes on to the next of kin like book rights do, then runs out altogether after 50 years and...

Medium wins channeling right

05 Feb 2007

A court case that bodes interesting for the PBK / BK divide. Medium wins channeling right from 'The Guardian' newspaper June 9, 1997 Vienna -- A medium and author has won the sole right to "contact" a 30,000-year-old spirit. Judy Z. Knight, an American, claims to have close spiritual ties ...

04 Feb 2007

you are an ex-BK, you have an equal right to do Godly service just like the BKs/PBKs. That is what I figured ... plus the great thing about being an ex-BK is that you cannot do disservice like the rampant BKs do. We have another BK "president", so it is spreading. It must make them more i...

03 Feb 2007

And haven't we been directed by ShivBaba in the Sakar Murlis to write 'On Godly Service' while signing off? The BKWSU edited that bit out too, I bet. Soon the Murli is going to be a blank sheet on which you can write your own opinions. And it is a bad sanskar doing what the American authorities tel...

03 Feb 2007

Mr Green wrote:Come on bansy, we all know Ravan is a big clever man with a huge moustache

Definitely any man with facial hair ...

03 Feb 2007

Little wonder why one can come across some absolute garbage written about the BKWSU on the net. They are too fastidious in their efforts at madia manipulation consequently if people cant get sensible answers from them then they are likely to take literal meanings from the little inside stuff - Murl...

03 Feb 2007

Is our discussion of these things proving to be a blessing in disguise for the weaker party in a BKWSU power struggle? I do not know but I would say that it will be used by up and coming factions. The Good Ship BKWSU is not exactly watertight though. If you know what I mean. I am short on time and ...

Religious Founders and more BKWSU re-writes

03 Feb 2007

Interesting ... I was following the re-writing of the BKWSU wikipedia article and read a BK AppleDell edit out a statement that the BKWSU ... or Shiva ... does not teach that the religious founders come to the BKs to learn their Knowledge for the next Cycle any more. See link, here (?Controversies -...

03 Feb 2007

So back to the poor lonely BK soldier who has no choice it seems, but to kill because God is unable to provide that empowerment to offer love to another soul at the time when it is really needed. So, conceiveably you have one BK in one army pointing a rifle at another BK in an opposing army. Both a...

02 Feb 2007

When we discuss such issues, we are not just discussing the issues themselves, we are attempting to understand the mind of God and His rationale. We are also attempting to see if our subtle intuitions match up with what is being fed to our logical mind through the verbal and institutional channels, ...

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