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Re: Feeling a bit lost

03 Mar 2008

Hi, O.k, well some of you who have been reading my posts over the last week know what a struggle I am having 'withdrawing' from the centre I was heavily involved with recently. After I left I heard nothing, but I received this email over the weekend. It is I have to admit sincere, loving and gentle....

Re: Building a local support group

29 Feb 2008

I would not wish to take away your connection with the Supreme. I just wish to take away all that is not the supreme and any middle women getting in the way. For me the interesting this is that Lekhraj Kirpalani did hit some spiritual jackpot and, by his example, prove that all of us could. The mis...

Re: Building a local support group

29 Feb 2008

Your clarity of mind reminds me of Di, one Forum contributor whose posts you may want to read if you have time. . Hi Alladin, could you point me in the direction of Di's posts? Quite a few people have referred to her and I am not sure what section to access. Thanks In my case ... God's power helped...

Re: Building a local support group

28 Feb 2008

You also have to factor in what a gift new BKs are to a center as they bring fresh air and enthusiasm to what are fairly stale and stagnant places (if not engaged in a full on clash of sanskars). You bring them meaning and reward, and raise their status. I remember how the 'leaders' at the centre I...

Re: Building a local support group

28 Feb 2008

It may seem okay at first but ... the typical experience involves varying degrees depression, guilt, loss, betrayal and a loss of ability to have faith in anything - including ourselves and our lives. The BKs actively recruited you, gave you what you thought you needed (love, community, belonging, ...

Re: Feeling a bit lost

27 Feb 2008

Thanks Paul, I totally agree with your experience of God. I had a similar realisation and the BKs pounced on it (the cat theme continues.) I did not dare explain that I had experienced similar in sahaja Yoga and also while sitting in a quaker meeting one Sunday. The quakers seem pretty chill and jus...

Building a local support group

27 Feb 2008

Hi, Some of you may have read a few of my posts to know that I have only just left the BKs. I must admit to struggling and floundering a bit at the moment. My real involvement officially stopped only a few weeks ago and I feel that almost overnight I seem to have lost so much. These people were supp...

Re: Back to basics

26 Feb 2008

Seriously ex-lady, do you think I am still on speaking terms with my 'teachers' to ask them? I live in fear that they will view this site and have already worked out who I am!!! I might even have to change my identity :) :) Yeah, I was really aware that they did not actually know that much about Bud...

Re: Feeling a bit lost

26 Feb 2008

Please permit me to say to you that GOD is not an external being, despite what you have been told and taught by the BKWSU ... Paul this is a bit scary for me. I have always felt I was a soul, and while with the BKs I felt that I was able to connect to God, as I understood him/her. I left the BKs be...

Re: Throwing the baby out with the bath water

26 Feb 2008

I would view those amazing experiences of God in the early morning as your creations. If you believe in the soul and in soul consciousness, surely you can create an experience of it. Thanks Joel, I always enjoy reading your posts and your gentle and genuine approach. I think I will have to go away ...

Back to basics

26 Feb 2008

Hi, firstly I apologise if my questions appear naive. I have spent enough time on this site over the last few days to realise that most people have loads more experience, knowledge and familiarity with the teachings than I do, so my questions are going to be really basic. However, I could never ask ...

Re: Throwing the baby out with the bath water

26 Feb 2008

You were told it was God ... 9 out of 10 housewives cant tell the difference between a guardian angel, an avatar or some alien being from planet Zorg. That is really funny ex-l :lol: You have got me thinking now! I do often wonder this myself. In meditation I think I am connecting to something. I f...

Re: Feeling a bit lost

26 Feb 2008

Not it is not "God" that is speaking, it is Lekhraj Kripalani and, most likely, some spirit/channelled entity who we are all unclear about as yet. And only time will tell. What we are clear about is that the Brahma Kumaris are re-editing those messages to cover up for when it got its pred...

Re: Feeling a bit lost

25 Feb 2008

Tete and Pilatus, thanks for your support. Tete, I will certainly click on those links you included in your post and hopefully get some more support. Despite my expressed doubts I still feel vulnerable and undecided, but I think I will keeping returning to this site. Pilatus, that is so funny- find ...

Re: Does the soul exists ? What is it REALLY ?

25 Feb 2008

I have always known that I am a soul. I just did not know that you used the word 'soul.' I think that I have always felt that there was something within that was really who I am, regardless of my aging and decaying body. In meditation, it has always been I place I retreat to and go beyond. It is the...

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