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Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

08 May 2019

Hi ex-l, You wrote: "sati has been banned (by the British) and has been almost complete eradicated ... therefore things did not get worse, they got better." You are taking this as a proof that there is no entropy. Banning sati by the British was, indeed, a good legislation. Numerous laws h...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

07 May 2019

Hi Rita,

Sati and widow rituals are obviously the next phase of degradation.

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

07 May 2019


I have sent sakash to one of my clients without her knowledge for a thing which is not in my control. Result was so wonderful that even I could not believe. I have never taken credit for this. My policy is to do and withdraw like a tortoise.

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

07 May 2019

Hi CS1979 I would suggest: Look for the principle behind the details of what I wrote. It will help you not only in situations like that you narrated but also in other situations too. From today I will keep you in my meditation. In my linked state with Heavenly Father, I will also send sakash (positi...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

07 May 2019

Hi Pink Panther, Words having one meaning in the beginning and having another (mostly distorted) meaning later is the proof of entropy which rules the system of things on earth. Everything we see outside is the expression what is within us. When I did post graduation on Indian Philosophy, my profess...

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

07 May 2019

Hi CS1979 I appreciate what you wrote about me. I may look different because my perspective is different. I will explain: There is something my grandmother taught me when I was a baby. IT STILL WORKS WONDERS FOR ME: I was living in a very large family (joint family, as called here in India). One day...

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

06 May 2019

I am consistent from 1999 because I am focused on building up myself. I am in good terms with sister-in-charge, and stay near to a Center, and travel 10 km to my clinic daily.

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

06 May 2019

Yes, originally Shudra means one who grieves. Today Shudra means one who does service -- service can mean anything from Civil Service to job like cleaning. Shudras are now considered to be a “scheduled caste” by the Indian Government, meaning that they are historically disadvantaged. The government’...

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

06 May 2019

ex-l, If such situations are there, then it is extremely rare which I come to know from you now. I have not seen any of such situations in my nearly 20 years of association with BKs. If it happens, as in any organization, BKs too will handle it. And also, no one can evade Karmic Law. When one unders...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

06 May 2019

Every Indian knows immediately what someone calling themselves "Brahmin", and all others "Shudras", means. Shudras means lowest caste, not fit for the study and understanding of knowledge (originally the Vedas), not sufficiently intelligent, low level labours whose duty it was t...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

06 May 2019

Kumari: Virgin; a formal title of address for an unmarried woman

The first meaning of Kumari in all India Languages is virgin daughter. Even a Pilgrimage center in India is named KanyaKumari which double-stresses the virginhood.

Re: Left BK after 10 years ... !

06 May 2019

Baba’s often repeated request to the children is to “become flowers from thorns.” Thorns are defined as “those who commit vice.” This “becoming flowers from thorns” are happening “numberwise.” It means each one takes his own time to become flower from thorns. The situation is like a highway where yo...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

06 May 2019

ex-l, You wrote: "I don't want this to end up as a "Beat up a BK" episode." You are free to beat up me as harsh/cruel as possible with all your might. It is not going to affect me because I am linked to Baba who is Almighty; and also I am always aware that I am atma with enormous...

Re: What are the Brahma Kumaris trying to communicate to fol

06 May 2019

Hi Pink Panther, You wrote: “The redefining of words and the content of the posts makes me think vlakshmi is not a psychiatrist either. ...” I will make this point clear. I am not redefining the words. I go by the original meaning of the word, and it helps me a lot. It is not only with the word Shud...

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