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Re: Actually time is not indepeneent

23 May 2007

So the models derived through mathematics can never ... never represent the actual reality. In my opinion, good mathematical models with defined boundaries can represent an actual window of reality. Models can be very accurate depending on how much information you put into it. However, some real th...

Re: Prajapita's life according to the PBK Knowledge

22 May 2007

surya wrote:Born: 1st February 1942 in Ahmedgunj (north of Kaimgunj), India

Just a quick question. Do we know the date when Shevakram died?

Was Virendra Dev Dixit approximately two months in his mother's womb when Shevakram left his body?

Happiest Nations on Earth

14 May 2007

Psychologist Produces The First-ever 'World Map Of Happiness' 178 Nations were ranked according the average level of happiness their people are experiencing. Although, the methods used might be biased, we can see some rough performance of each nation. You can judge for yourself. Quite surprising re...

12 May 2007

If you all are happy with the teachings of Shankar Party and Brahma Kumaris its fair enough. I am an ex-BK. I understand the teachings of BKs and partly the teachings of PBK, but it doesn't mean I believe in them and therefore how could I be happy with the teachings that I do not believe in? I am h...

Re: reply

12 May 2007

Now, I will not write any more messages. When you feel very tired from the Murli, then send a message to me. Fine by me. I will put this note in my list but will be in the last i.e. least priority. There are much, much more important things to do in the world than to contemplate Mr. Patel's wierd t...

09 May 2007

America's part in world history reflects the ongoing human struggle of good over evil, order over chaos. Although America's role in world history is very recent, the story of the world is now very old. This ancient story has grown so complex that it has become difficult to discern truth from fictio...

Golden Age versus Aquarian Age

07 May 2007

we slowly give up reason Off subject, so apologies for this but Mr. Green made think about reason and the reasons why we do things so I googled it & came up with this: Accepted meanings of the word reason found on the internet: Reason : 1. The basis or motive for an action, decision, or convict...

Re: reply

04 May 2007

Answer is, "if you think Mr. Patel is purely guessing, then why cannot you? Till today, why cant the BKs? Why cannot the PBKs? Sakshi, Please note I have nothing to adhere in BKs and PBKs belief systems, I am an ex-BK. Also, this is not a trichotomy logic, i.e. if BKs got it wrong, and PBKs go...

Re: How our 5 element body is made & we become human fro

04 May 2007

4% akash, vayu and agni, 0.005 % param tatva, 95.500 % water and mitti (earth) ------------- 100.00 % 500 years ago the population was 32.5 crore 5% akash , vayu and agni, 0.6 % param tatva, 94.400 % water and mitti (earth) ------------- 100.00 % 780 year ago the population was 26.50 crore 10% akas...

03 May 2007

I spoke to a few people at the University of Texas ... I kept getting transfered because no one really seemed sure who could help me out but when I explained the claim made, they all just said, "WTF?" Anyway, I was finally put in contact with a researcher at the University of Texas Archiv...

10 Apr 2007

Mr Green wrote:they are without a doubt a Hindu twig

Somebody has to re-draw The Tree in which the BKWSU is a twig of Hinduism.

05 Apr 2007


have a safe trip! Can I contact you if I am going to Bangalore or Kerala sometimes this year?
I know they have a good holistic therapy there.


[Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

05 Apr 2007

I am visiting the West Coast (USA) this weekend. Staying in the vicinity of Los Angeles area. Any ex-BKs, or friend of BK/PBK posting here who wants to meet with me? No BK please. We can hang around and create some subject discussion. Truthfully, I have no physical ex-BK friends but a lot of BK frie...

31 Mar 2007

Great idea! A group that will be involved in letter writing campaign, press media, etc. I was just thinking of a lot of companies (government and private) worldwide especially in a democratic countries, that have some sort of "employees' union" which balances the powers of the administrati...

29 Mar 2007

These Radhe's letters reveal to me some similarities of their original belief and the current concept of God by the Vishnu Party, i.e. God is undergoing different stages. I find some similarities with the teachings of Brahma Kumaris that time and the current basic information the Vishnu Party reveals.

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