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900,000 BKs

21 Jul 2007

I would like to start a web project and I need some help. If someone can do it better than I could, then that would be fine. You can set-up the web project and I would help in whatever way I can. I can do the programming, html, database, etc. but it would be slow and my computer programming is a bit...

12 Jul 2007

Let's face it, these groups are a different kind of breed.

10 Jul 2007

Retreat in Europe is expensive. However, I don't mind.

Perhaps, we can have it somewhere in Asia, like Thailand, where quality and budget are a plus so more ex-bks can go.

Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

30 Jun 2007

I just think that if he is tuning folks into BK Shiva he should make it clear. His website has this picture of Buddha sculpture with thumb and ring fingers slightly touching. My feeling is he doesn't consider Shiva as the supreme. I might be wrong in this. A typical Buddhist belief is there is no o...

Re: Status Quo at the BKSWU

30 Jun 2007

I've been thinking as to why the BKSWU only presents a certain limited amount of knowledge and history of itself. Only 5 years of Murli are for consumption, even though there are many more years worth. The history is presented rewritten and many, probably very important parts are left out. Why? Is ...

Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

29 Jun 2007

I'd really like to know why Robert bailed out of the BKWSU and went off to do his own thing? How could the BKWSU have lost such talent? With the backing of the BKs money machine, he could have been running the "BKWSU Natural Health Clinic and Spa Wing" by now. (I hate to give Jayanti or M...

Re: Sat Yoga Instutite

28 Jun 2007

ex-l wrote:He does not credit the BKWSU on his links page but he does link to BK friendly promoters Free Meditations.

A clever business man indeed.

12 Jun 2007

new_world wrote:But he has collection of 9,000 Sakar Murlis (some of these Murlis are also not available in Advance Party)

That's about 25 (9000/365) years of collection, i.e. from 1944 to 1969. Was he an insider?

06 Jun 2007

At that point I saw for the first time the change in Dadi Gulzar (on screen) and felt myself lifted and swept away ... Truthfully speaking I have never seen any changes in the bodily features. Even all the pictures of normal Gulzar and pictures of BapDada, to me, they all look like Gulzar's body. I...

04 Jun 2007

Now in the Uranium Age,
    75 years ago, Lekhraj Kirpalani established the BK religion/cult
    35 years ago, Virendra Dev Dixit established the PBK religion/cult
    <20 years ago, Mr. Patel established the Vishnu Party (religion/cult)

25 May 2007

Welcome in the night, its always good to hear anyone making true effort to make one's life transformed.

Looking forward to your story and experience in BK and PBK.

Re: The earth is flat in shape like a disc.

24 May 2007

If this individual was indeed a scientist, he will not mind proper scientific protocols. Could you please name him so we can check your references? This guy exists. One of my BK friends met him too. But a scientist??? I think he is more of a crank. Sure, I can make the earth flat, the solar system ...

Re: Can we observe the whole time cycle?

24 May 2007

Then can you find any historical clue or residue of that event which occured before 5,000 years? Please reply None at all. Not to my knowledge. There may be a civilization that were destroyed but we don't know the details of it. I can only witness an event that happen in my lifetime. As the drama i...

24 May 2007

My version is that Cinderella has to leave because the clock is ticking to midnight. Not that the Prince would not love her when he finds out who she really is, but that her step Sisters (SS) and her step mom (Dadis) would try to push her out of the palace. ex-l, you are one of the most loved in thi...

Re: Cyclic nature of time & Einstein's theory of relativ

24 May 2007

Thus either Einstein's Theory of Relativity or BK concept of '5,000 years time cycle' is correct. Which, both of them, is correct? - That's the matter of your own choice. For me the BK concept is correct. What do you think? Please reply. I think Einstein Relativistic model is a good mathematical ap...

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