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09 Aug 2007

I keep asking this same question to stunning silence; not 'what is karma?' but ' Where is Karma? ' I don't know either. The only thing I know is it works through our conscience. And people with little conscience may be affected by karmic effects a little, also. So if those BKs were not affected by ...

09 Aug 2007

I found this from another website. Seems to me the story was a hoax; Best Evidence? . Lonar Crater So, let us discover what might be the best evidence. The first question is whether a Francis Taylor existed. There is a Francis Taylor, an American museum director, who died in 1957. He was not an arch...

Possible legal case against BKWSO

08 Aug 2007

One of the scenarios (not the worst case) is that a legal action will be filed against BKWSO and a judge would declare that BKWSO is a religion and will be demoted from its NGO status. Here's a case with the Maharishi's TM, where in the Federal Judge declared TM as a religion not a scientific techni...

07 Aug 2007

I will think about this. Am I right in saying that this is a letter targetted at other NGO, Interfaith, UN type groups? We can cc those NGO's and Religious Community groups once we have the final open letter put on this website and certified mail to the BKWSO. I think we should also write some basi...

07 Aug 2007

I am always bewildered by how God or Gurus prefer nice round numbers ending in zeros and not messy ones like "2,545,649 years, 35 days, 21 hours and 43 minutes". I get bewildered about the measurement of accuracy of the atomic clock. Since when did scientists find out that 1 second 6 bill...

07 Aug 2007

Its strange that the BKWSU wants to be seen as the peacemaking, interfaith organzations but it cannot interfaith, be seen alongside or tolerate its own bastard children. (No apologies for that language, it is used not as profanity but according to its accurate meaning). BKs are thinking their basta...

The parties' creed

07 Aug 2007

The battle of the chariots continued and 40 years had passed, they were all dead!. However, their followers formed their respective creed, as a sign of Bhakti towards them. One day, an Interfaith program was held and a representative of each religion cited his/her religious creed. Catholic, Moslems,...

04 Aug 2007


you have a new beginning! Keep it up.

Draft Open Letter to BKWSO

04 Aug 2007

Per request from an ex-BK of this forum, I am starting the draft open letter to the BKs. Anyone may contribute or feel free to add, delete or revise this as he/she sees fit. Thank you. An Open Letter to BKWSO through the support of the Religious Communities and NGO's. The Brahma Kumaris World Spritu...

The battle of the four Chariots

04 Aug 2007

This and that meeting that and this is just a waste of time. The necessary step is to for the Chariot of BapDada to meet the Chariot of ShivBaba (Veerendra Dev Dixit) and maybe throw in an invite to the Vishnu Party and all the other chariots, all sitting on a stage. Then have a mixed audience and ...

04 Aug 2007

I suggest that we create an open letter addressed to BKWSO that can be viewed by anyone with the internet. We can put the link on the front page of website. In the letter, we as good citizens of the world, Brothers and Sisters of the human race, are requesting BKWSO to answer ...

03 Aug 2007

You guys are expecting for nothing with regards to the release of all Murlis by the BKs. But go ahead, demand anyways as a matter of documentation. They won't release them in my opinion, only the last 5 to 6 years of Lekhraj Kirpalani's life. Why? They apparently got buried when they move to Abu. I ...

03 Aug 2007

Any ex-BK residing in Las Vegas? I would be there for few days next week. Would appreciate if you can show me around. I will pay for the gas for the car, breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Thanks in advance.

02 Aug 2007

This is like a game of chess. The players try to predict all the probable moves of his/her opponent many, many steps far ahead. So, why would the disadvantaged player take a weak move (i.e. answering all your questions), if he/she can quit and call it a draw? The winning player should just continue ...

237 reasons to have sex.

02 Aug 2007

If BKs have several reasons why they consider sex is bad, here's the study that reveals the mind set of people who engage in sexual activities: Experts discover 237 reasons to have sex.

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