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11 Sep 2007

OK, let's review the thread. An official response was received from the BKWSU. It refers to a number of emails that we also received prior to it that identified the group of BKs behind this approach and illustrated their way of thinking. Sister Jayanti goes on to state that she has no issues she wan...

11 Sep 2007

Assuming BKWSO won the case due to the fact that they are singing sweet songs to the politicians, our entire database can be moved to another domain names like:
I mean, there are thousands of combination we can think of.

Re: Being a new BK ...

11 Sep 2007

Welcome to the forum adoribus. Hope you stay with us. Where and how do they get financial support, how is it spread-out? Yes, way too many questions ... From donations (money, in-kind [like food, appliances, etc], real estate properties) of working/retired members/non-members, rich VIPs, income gene...

Re: visit link

10 Sep 2007

sakshi Delhi wrote:this is first English VCD*. Please visit this site; VCD* link.

I fell asleep before getting to the middle of the video clip. It was so boring.

09 Sep 2007

Otherwise, as I said before, the only thing that is meaningful to me in all this paraphernalia is the inspiration to maintain self respect and give respect, be humble and have real love for all. Everything else seems to me more like a fairy tale to entertain the children and not to be taken too ser...

27 Aug 2007

I am also out for work seminar and weekend vacation on August 28 to Sept. 6. In case I don't have wireless internet connection, I will hear from you after my trip.

27 Aug 2007

I'd like to suggest a working title ... Excellent title. Looks more appealing. Is there any BK or forum members here who want to present something else. If it is "objective enough" then we can use it. Perhaps, to be fair with the juniors, we could put it this way, " What the Leadersh...

26 Aug 2007

It is in their best interest to cooperate since the book is going to be released sooner or later whether they like it or not. The best each and every BK can do is to create their on "private" usernames here in this forum, and present valid points, object in a way a point or question is to ...

26 Aug 2007

I agree with Aimee 100% that her Open Letter Topic is reserved for her and Sister Jayanti. Let's give her and Sister Jayanti a chance to post there. It is now Sister Jayanti's turn to reply there, Open letter to Sister Jayanti . Say, maximum ten days of waiting for Sister Jayanti to respond, if not ...

26 Aug 2007

On behalf of this forum, we can start making initial contacts to several publishing companies or printing press worldwide to find out if they have interests in the final report in a form of a book. They can reproduce the book, and eat the costs of printing, while they estimate how much they can sell...

25 Aug 2007

A lot of poison in your words. It makes me think that you are snake rather than human being. As for Krishna's birth it will take place not earlier than 2036. So all these souls who left their bodies can see it. Of course, if they are from the beginning of Golden Age. As for coronation, it will take...

25 Aug 2007

3 down (Brahma, Mama, Dadi K.) ... how many more to go to for the majority of junior BKs to realize all this illusion of the BK teachings of the Birth of Krishna and the Coronation of Narayan. Trimurti now becomes Dimurti or perhaps they will put a sub to continue the Trimurti business. I heard from...

25 Aug 2007

Jan, what ex-l tried to say is from the BK point of view. But if you have your own self-respect and faith of what you believe in is right, there is no need for self-pity. And who says you should deal with him with his kind of attitude? Does he want to have a sexual relationship with you? You can try...

25 Aug 2007

Unfortunately she, and the likes of the "Penniless Prince" Nirwair, were an illusionists. Nirwair 'must have gotten' really "penniless" when he got tired of doing real engineering, where he contributed to the world as a real engineer, and making real money. Instead, he has engin...

24 Aug 2007

so I can fall in love with a BK and make him believe that we are the couple to be ... than it is OK??? Yes, that is perfectly OK, in my opinion. And if he is decided to marry you, then you are entitled to a couple's sexual relation/union. It is his decision, and BKs shouldn't influence that decisio...

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