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Re: waking up to reality

28 Jul 2010

Enjoyed reading this post ...

I bet most of us are happy to read this kind of news.

Re: Media censorship

27 Jul 2010


Re: Introduction - and how to connect with you best?

26 Jul 2010

Greetings annamaria! Actually I knew that in the beginning everyone took the later Brahma Baba for being God (including Himself) - Dadi Ratan Mohini told this whist sharing her live story in Madubhan and I have told this many others since. She said that they did not understand what was going on at f...

Re: Lucinda Blisset selling Raja Yoga post-BKWSU

19 Jul 2010

Some people are confused. In fact, when it comes to religion or answering those existential questions, most of us are in doubt, or at least have our own understanding which gets challenge once in while. However, some people have a way to directing these questions into making money. The spiritual or ...

Re: BKWSU, the business, money and selling Gyan

13 Jul 2010

Is this some kind of PONZI scheme? Well, whether it is a financial investment or not, you can always relate how the BKWSU does operate in a "religious" PONZI manner. You invest your money to them, and in your next lifetime you get to be in a royal place full of golds and diamonds. So that ...

Re: The Billion Minutes of Half-Truths and PR

10 Jul 2010

Good heavens ... when is it all going to wind down and stop? Whether it's in the first world, second world or third world countries, BKs will continue to expand until the old generation passes away and new smarter ones are born. The younger generation will value the documents we have here and perha...

Re: how to be fooled by love bombing

04 Jul 2010

would be good if there is a translation of lyrics in English. looks like the fans were deeply immersed.

Re: It's the End of the World as we know it ... Again

28 Jun 2010

Watch how the Jehovah Witnesses propagate their teachings and how numerous failed predictions occurred during the course of their existence. It can be said the same thing with the BKs. When I was working at a company 10 years ago, I had ...

Re: Experiment With Meditation At Brahma Kumaris HQ

17 Jun 2010

If you dig enough information from the web, you would find out that Dr Masaru Emoto is a con artist. His experiments were all lies and there was no double blind methods or anything that is reproducible from any reputable university. All fake results were published and has been repeated and regurgita...

Lucinda Drayton teaching Raja Yoga post-BKWSU

31 Mar 2010

Letting Love In ~ an evening with Lucinda Drayton
Bliss Program
bliss.gif (26.77 KiB) Viewed 17869 times

Re: Brahman, Paramatman, Atman

15 Jan 2010

Pari, I will do the honor of presenting chopra's mumbo jumbo Quantum Theory.

Oh, it's only a metaphor ...

Richard Dawkins exposes charlatan Deepak Chopra.

Re: [Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

19 Dec 2008

'Tis the season to be merry - and me and my other are off to Thailand for three weeks of sun, sand and fun. Best wishes to all we send , "Happy Festive Season and a blessed 2009". We'll be back soon. It's good you did not go before the shutdown of the airport because of the protesters. I ...

Re: [Notice] Vacation time for members travelling or meeting

19 Dec 2008

I would be taking off for Chrismas and New Year vacation holiday weeks (from December 22 to January 6), but would still be reading any good news here in this forum. I am on a budget trip, so I am flying to Tashkent, Uzbekistan where services and commodities are relatively cheaper. If there are any w...

Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

21 Nov 2008

yogi108 wrote:... does the flesh burning smell so bad that the Yagya needs sandal wood ...?

Perhaps. they will smell like roasting a pig or a cow. Burning it though, would not smell that good. Have you smelled a burned meat on a grill, that was left unattended?

Re: Death of BK Manohar Indra

18 Nov 2008

Here's Dadi Janki's sermon ... read on! Date: - Mon Nov 17 19:06:05 2008 To: From: Xxxxx Xxxxxx <> Subject: about Dadi Manohar Madhuban Om Shanti 17/11/2008 All beloved Brothers and Sisters who are the decoration of the Brahmin clan and who belon...

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