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Free Speech

Re: Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

05 May 2015

ex-l : They answered, "Practising screaming ... like everyone else". Right answer. She should also have punched that BK Sister hard right on her face so that she thinks twice before asking such stupid questions to anyone. She deserved that punch. Next time, if someone talks about 3rd worl...
Free Speech

Re: Pseudonyms

05 May 2015

It could be that I missed some part of your long mails but I don´t understand why did they tell you all these details. Rightly asked. Why would any BK teacher give her details of sealed facts which are generally kept hidden from followers? Or, are you not a follower but a teacher, Misty? Or some VI...
Free Speech

Re: What is the ratio ?

05 May 2015

Sunny Leone has topped the list of Most Desirable Woman 2014 published in today's Times Of India magazine. Total votes = 20.3 lacs approx (>2*9 lac Satyug souls). BKWSO must have started thinking about her role in drama by now. Pink Panther : So the ability to accept BK version is quite easy if a H...
Free Speech

Re: What is the ratio ?

04 May 2015

They both believe women should be on top. There is one more similarity. The one at bottom could also, most probably, be a woman ( Indore hostel case ...). But are they ready to swallow, that what she(Sunny Leone) does is female empowerment? Yeah ... in fact earlier, she used to shoot movies either ...
Free Speech

Re: Pseudonyms

04 May 2015

Misty, I am a little bit confused. May e you can help. You said that Please keep in mind that all this was narrated to me in april 1992. Probaly then it starts making sense. And you were narrating a murder case that happened in 2004 or 28 Dec, 2003. Am I right here? So do you mean that Mr. Whaling, ...
Free Speech

Re: What is the ratio ?

04 May 2015

ex-l : Which beggars the question why the BKs spend so much chasing them? To get more. If cult doesn't grow, it dies. What are they going to do 24*7? Recruiting more newcomers through VIP's chasing & telecasting activities is better than idling & getting sheaths of fat on their body. One sh...
Free Speech

Re: What is the ratio ?

04 May 2015

My question ... do Indians join the BKWSU to make them feel superior, eg to escape or rise up the caste system? They might not be joining to get that feeling but attracted by PR events & the promise to meet God attracts most. No doubt, they get another caste within the organisation apart from t...

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

29 Apr 2015

... the idealization of infancy as ”free of worldly flaws” ignores reality. Yes it does, perhaps for those who misuse it. Like BK leaders. Freeing from worldly flaws can be done only by a person who has understood what they all are in the first place. BK preach about dos & donts of greed but th...

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

29 Apr 2015

Pink Panther: I include in these mature teachings the Tao, the shamanic and other traditions of indigenous peoples, Mahayana Buddhism, and modern depth psychology. I agree to all above teaching except the modern depth psychology part as it is very unreliable. Most of its results are based on a conf...
Free Speech

Re: Are all BKs awful people???

29 Apr 2015

Godly servant souls Very funny term that BKs often use. If he is God, why does he need servants? [plz don't tell - to spread knowledge or he cannot do it without mediums ... blah blah blah ...]. If you are someone's servant, you would be kicked out when your master gets upset. I think that is case ...

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

29 Apr 2015

Can I know what your motive on this forum? only opposition of BKWSU or any reason ? Don't feel bad to see people opposing BKWSU. It is all mistake of BK-leaders & BK-God who never supported truth to any extent & mercilessly ignore crimes happening within their organisation. What should be t...

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

29 Apr 2015

"Purity” is a relative term. Agree. Everything in the world is relative until one attains absolute state. As you said that purity relates to a characteristic of an infant - immature or still developing - so it can be considered free from worldly flaws. I am not very good in English but the rig...
Free Speech

Nepal Earthquake and Brahmakumaris

27 Apr 2015

Total 38 centers of BKWSU in Nepal are mentioned on this link: Where was Shiv Baba or the claimed BKWSU God savior of his followers? Why did not he come to save the dedicated local BKs? Does any BKWSU unit knows the number of BK victims in this disaster? Hell ...
Free Speech

Re: Are all BKs awful people???

27 Apr 2015

No doubt, There learn to way to connect with God Directly. Whew ... even after so much hard work these people here put up, it seems few ex-BKs still do not realise that there is no God in BKWSU & just a belief exists. Khemkaran, you need to let go this belief also. Recently, I read about a very...

Re: Is this site run by Shankar Party? Evil spirits in Mount

27 Apr 2015

ex-l : Males are best exploited by ensuring they go out to work (money), and limited to simple or practical tasks, eg driving, security, building maintenance etc.

Are not they handsomely paid for it?

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