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Save Innocents

Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

29 Jul 2014

It is also said that if a person dies, that’s it. There is no ”next incarnation”. Right. Even this theory is very nice, I went through it & found it nicely placed. It says that do good deeds here as judgement after death occurs without bias, being resultant of total good & bad bad deeds tha...
Save Innocents

Re: Non-stop remote viewing and abuse

29 Jul 2014

Hi chandaneeben,

One more technique to defend yourself.

Start chanting Gayatri Mantra 10 times during each morning, evening & before sleep. It will work definitely. Do it for few days & then do tell what was the change you received.
Save Innocents

Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

29 Jul 2014

Like a boy who discovers wanking and thinks he invented it, then when he sees chimpanzees doing the same at the zoo, is amazed that they have copied him! PP, it's best analogy ever given to individuals involved in the BK system. The best & worst things are done with mental peace. If mind is sti...
Save Innocents

Re: BK Anthony Strano dead

29 Jul 2014

Hi Guys, It may be awkward again for you all to again hear some spiritual aspect related to death, but just know this one. It is said if person dies with sudden heart attacks or any other sudden & unexpected untimely death (like in accidents), then his next incarnation is not a good one. Most of...

Re: "God" in person (according to Brahma Kumaris) on Youtube

25 Jul 2014

Hello jann, It is a very serious talk you have raised. It cannot be metaphor & can be right also. Are BKs behind these attacks? It may not be true. But if destruction on such small scale is so horrible, then what Dadis plan would be much awful. And they would do it without any regrets. Why do th...

Re: "God" in person (according to Brahma Kumaris) on Youtube

25 Jul 2014

They are rich beyond all comparisons. Now two channels are running along with programmes on several other channels. Great. Its all misuse of donations. How much would it cost? [quote="Ex-I"]Can we have that guaranteed in writing?[/url] No, it's now transformation theory for external world....

Re: Violation of structural norms and denial of services to

25 Jul 2014

Why are they filing against legal orders? They must be having some political backing. Whatever, they are too attached with this building & land, their official property which is really worldly, am I wrong? Cannot be. Actually, they must fight for this illegally captured land & building, afte...
Save Innocents

Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

24 Jul 2014

Hi ex-BK Jan, I just wore my casual tees & jeans. It was not all white, so may be that's why her expression changed. But many were there in colored casuals. When I experience this BK life, it was low performance, poor culture, no proper guide life, poor of communication. It was still same in 201...
Save Innocents

Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

23 Jul 2014

Though I never met him, yet I always had the feeling of boredom while sitting in front of his selfie in that room at center. I had this horrible feeling while I did their Murli classes & something inside always forced me to get out of that place as soon as possible. You people really have courag...
Save Innocents

Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

22 Jul 2014

Your post really distracted me from the topic, PP. Thank you soooo....much for posting one of my favourite song " Love Story". May God(other than BKs) bless you. ♩♪ ”I will marry you if you stay true♫ We will be together for a thousand years”♫♩ You will be my krisna I will be your gopi You...
Save Innocents

Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

22 Jul 2014

kmanaveen wrote:Initially I had these doubts. But I feel something does happen, at least Gulzar is not acting.

Actually, she is a much refined actor who can confuse reality with drama.

Re: Can science explain consciousness?

16 Jul 2014

Have you read about Metatron therapy? It appears scientific explanation of consciousness to an extent but still I find it not completely satisfactory. I recently went through this page: Above artic...

Re: Black people are the most impure - Dadi Janki

16 Jul 2014

Yes jann, it is one of the biggest problems with BKs. The double standard talks & double personality traits are common to them, they think something else & cunningly come out with an opposite speech which infact showcase them better in front of rest of the world. For example: 1) Internally, ...
Save Innocents

Re: The experience of meeting BapDada

16 Jul 2014

They even have "security wing" with lathis (big sticks) in case they try and push their way to the front. Hah, that is the way they restore peace when their God is around them. Seems doubtful. :D May be its lathis which are used there for making people come out of Dehadhyaas & beome n...
Save Innocents

Re: Why am I always worrying?

16 Jul 2014

Pink Panther I would like to reconsider if I ever emphasized Bhagwad Gita to be greater than any other scripture. The reason behind emphasizing on Gita was just because BKism propagate it to be their product, which is actually not so. All religious texts whether from East or from West are alike &...

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