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Save Innocents

Re: Brahma Kumaris attitudes towards animals

25 Aug 2014

Cue pictures of Lekhraj Kirpalani shooting errant monkeys with an air rifle ... It shows Lekhraj was a violent person too who definitely knew nothing about non-violence. So, few traits of Lekhraj are clear: Non-celibacy or intense sexuality (Abrahmachari), Violence (hinsak, that too in worst form w...

Re: Debunking BKWSU myths: "first women spiritual leaders"

25 Aug 2014

Very impressive. Thanks ex-l that you highlighted many forgotten women saint & reformists. The collection is itself so nice, just overwhelming.

Re: Rajneesh on the BKWSU changing date of Destruction (1980

25 Aug 2014

I don't know what they say now. Someone on says that, in their recent Murli, it has been said that world transformation (their current dream) has reached its end. All transformation is already done. And that those who believed them blindly till date are fortunate ones likely to become a...

Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

25 Aug 2014

What drives me here ... mm ... good question. When your dearest friend is stuck in filth, you try everything to get him out of that. I am just doing that here. Also I have that negative experience in BK center where teacher herself did partial behavior towards me. Oh, I am not hurt for that but is i...

Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

24 Aug 2014

No, I don't believe the users are fake. I am only opposed to ex-l's exaggerations and misrepresentations and not others sharing their dislikes or criticisms of the BK system. The trap you are falling into is very typical of ex-l of generalizing everything and not seeing specifics that people bring ...

Re: Relation status of BK Brothers and BK Sisters in Satyug

23 Aug 2014

So, BKs also say that they will live as couple in their Satyug. That means their should be equal numbers of male & female in Satyug as well as here also who are preparing for their target to become God/Goddess. But is it just me who see majority of females in their system? Almost 90% or more tea...

Re: Rajneesh on the BKWSU changing date of Destruction (1980

23 Aug 2014

So, initially destruction date was 1972 (is it right?) which was changed to 1987 , then to 2000 , then again to 2012 & lastly it was shifted also to 2036 . But as the destruction theory does not seem to work at all, so they have shifted to Transformation theory . May be next would be Reformation...
Save Innocents

Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

23 Aug 2014

Healthy minds will definitely question and can see the trap where in the name of dissolving old belief systems (as Shivani calls it), a new belief system is incorporated. Is it so? Shivani is completely out of mind. She appears so confused during her conversation programs. If you just notice the wa...
Save Innocents

Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

23 Aug 2014

That is the term their Baba uses time and time again. It's not, "do good for others, for society, for the world" ...[/b] By that the Murli writer means: " Do good to others ": by telling them about BK system & in any way, increasing the number of followers of BKism by your m...
Save Innocents

Re: BK 'service' only means one thing

23 Aug 2014

I think followers of BKism are doing great seva to their teachers & no one can deny this. Whatever people donate, it goes directly for sustaining the livelihood of teachers (Didis, Dadis.... & Brothers too). As these teachers don't have any other job for which they are paid, so it is quite c...

Re: Rajneesh on the BKWSU changing date of Destruction (1980

22 Aug 2014

What we know from both from the BKs' teachings and confirmed by court affidavits is that Lekhraj Kirpalani spent a fortune to learn some spiritualistic art from a Bengal saddhu and paid a fortune to do so. And that after the event he was deeply changed and soon after suffered some kind of breakdown...

Re: BK Arrested for Extortion Cashing in on Indian Rape Hyst

22 Aug 2014

Looks like 6 years worth of BK Raja Yoga meditation did not help "purify the soul". And that is what I ask BKs, how much time is required minimum to purify their soul as they are one & same even if you meet them after 60 years? As in this case, the purity exceeded its limits, that cen...

Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

17 Aug 2014

Excuse me, here is someone who desperately needs some reply: learning spirit on Save Innocents, If you see the book - it is typed by BK info. The proponent of BK info has himself claimed in the past and its a very well known fact that he exaggerates things to show BKs in a poor light ...

Re: Relation status of BK Brothers and BK Sisters in Satyug

17 Aug 2014

It's strange that BK Sisters' belief says that those who are their Brothers presently will become their husbands in Satyug.

That's a sh*** message from their belief. I think BKs want to take this relation to millions step down.

Re: Message to BK Simon Blandford, Learningspirit & others

15 Aug 2014

Save Innocents on BKInfo wrote: This whole document posted by ex-l suggests that Om Mandli was more like a brothel & i think brahmakumaris developed from this mandli(???). This comment was posted by someone claiming to save Innocents in response to the book "OM MANDLI: A true authenticated...

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