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Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DONATIONS

10 Sep 2014

It is just common sense that anything BKWSU possess is coming directly from DONATIONS . Or is there any contradiction? They have no other job than lecturing their Gyan in BKWSU & local centers. And they are not paid for it by any external by any external organization. It is all contribution from...
Save Innocents

Re: Leaving the BKs

09 Sep 2014

Yes, you are right PP. But it is not contradiction from my point of view. Both Father & son are dependent on each other. Father needs to be looked & cared in his old age. Kann could be his only hope except that he wishes to proclaim his superiority on son egotistically. But it can be neglect...
Save Innocents

Re: Leaving the BKs

08 Sep 2014

I don't want to give his trouble to any one or left him alone. I believe it is my responsibility to look after him and my siblings. It may my destiny. I am afraid to do that. I consider it as a great sin. Right. It is your responsibility & you must not run from it just because of these few misu...

Re: How can we attain peace despite having negative environm

08 Sep 2014

Riaa, you are most vulnerable to Brahmakumaris. If you think Shivani is what she pretends on her show, then know that she is a fake id used by BKWSU. What Shivani speaks is ideal talk which none of BKs follow practically. It's more about blabbering than implementing. And, for overall peace, follow t...
Save Innocents

Re: Why I continue to be a BK

08 Sep 2014

Arbit wrote : ... many aspects of BKism ... celibacy (or sex only to procreate), Celibacy in BKism is not what you define here. No procreation is allowed. If you break your celibacy, even for procreation, you are regarded as an ignorant & impure being & you must not visit local & main c...

Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

08 Sep 2014

It is disgusting to see followers not minding everything about BKWSU or just picking the selective items presented by BKism. Dates, timimg etc are integral part of BK theory, how can one ignore it. Someone who ignore those figures must also forget 16,000, 8, 108 etc. These dates are a source to catc...
Save Innocents

Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

08 Sep 2014

John wrote : I do not want to bore you, so I´ll get right to the point. I do not want to bore you with details and long and painful stories. Hi john, i do not know why i am feeling bored. Avoid long writing, i hate to read such articles which do not end ever. But to keep up, i am posting my views r...

Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

08 Sep 2014

There has been pain due to the troubles in the intestine, but with everyone’s loving good wishes, everything will surely be fine. And there will be much more if she does not repent for her evil acts. Wise up Dadi, still you have time. Do not waste it & just accept your blunders & disclose t...

Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

08 Sep 2014

I knew it dear that their target group is that comprising severely innocent kids. And there are several reasons why they prefer to introduce a kid. A kid would never stand against them. A kid (the boy mentioned in her speech) would not question or ask anything related to all these weird acts of BKWS...

Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

08 Sep 2014

Here timings are different : Murli Classes are from 8:00am to 9:30am & then evening Murli classes are from 7:00pm to 7:30pm. I think there is no sync in time also, it is just adjusted as per suitability of followers. What a system! Nothing fixed or organized though they keep on giving projection...
Save Innocents

Re: Apparently, GOD HAS ARRIVED!!! (Movie)

08 Sep 2014

Ha ha, another funny pose, yeah it looks funny when stupids copy genius & becomes more idiotic when a person tries to copy those great omniscient beings that walked on Earth. Its so derogatory to put Lord Jesus & Lekhraj kirpalani on same platform. This is the same Lekhraj who molested girls...

Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

07 Sep 2014

Let me put here my views on this doc & interpret it correctly as what it meant to be. Special Bhog offering on the 7th Anniversary of Dadi Praskashmaniji (At the time of Bhog being offered, Dadiji came in the body of Dadi Gulzarji in the midst of the mother’s bhatthi, met everyone and spoke swee...

Re: Soul operates two bodies at once according to Brahma Kum

07 Sep 2014

Can the boy be alive after his soul (i.e. Kumarka's) left body for 1-2 hrs and entered Gulzar during Bhog? It is a fake story, no need to believe these false perceptions. It may be another plan of Dadis to put a male heir, who may be son of some Dadis or Didis kept hidden from others. Who knows wha...

Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

05 Sep 2014

Hm ... sounds mischievous. I think this is the only reason due to which they cal their Murlis incomparable. There must not be any other document in world which is protected in this manner. But it needs to be protected first from BKs so that they do not modify it again & again & again & a...

Re: Relation status of BK Brothers and BK Sisters in Satyug

05 Sep 2014

ha ha ha, what's this PP?

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