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Save Innocents

Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

15 Sep 2014

And I think all these literature or commentaries on them have made their impact & Lekhraj definitely got inspiration from all such matters. If you want to know who was Krishna, refer to epic Mahbharat, only it can explain the exactness but again look out for its right meaning from someone who is...
Save Innocents

Re: Why I continue to be a BK

15 Sep 2014

Hence it appears that the "good" the BKs do is obtainable only by BKs and not others. I think you have seen only BKWSU & that is why your views are so constrained. There are thousands of organisation, NGOs & non profit organizations along with lacs of volunteers working to benefit...
Save Innocents

Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

14 Sep 2014

kmanaveen wrote : Why then one believes or cares for your version of Krishna ... if he existed or not, was a Lord or a Fraud, who cares? No need to care at all. There has to be separate way for those who believe it or those who do not. If you believe in whole Mahabharata, Ramayana etc, then know it...

Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

13 Sep 2014

Unfortunately, they will only be available to VVIPs, extreme rich industrialists and Bollywood stars at exotic locations to which I will have to be flown business class ... at their expense ... and be provided with two young Kumari servants to cook, clean and look after my daily affairs, and one Ku...
Save Innocents

Re: Non-BK concepts of Krishna

13 Sep 2014

You can understand the level of Vidyapati/Jayadeva from their writing. They may be called as great writers but their poetic skills reflect more erotic content than their religious sentiments. So, you can judge depth of their filthy understanding. It appears much similar to other cults which operate ...

Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

12 Sep 2014

There is talk, the accuracy and connections of which I do not know, that Lekhraj Kirpalani had a wealthy female supported who continued to support him but there was also plot to try and sabotage the cult by concerned relatives and put an end to it, which included encourage them to move from Pakista...
Save Innocents

Re: Stupidity of so called Seniors

12 Sep 2014

Most importantly, stop asking for money from followers & avoid running after it. It would be very difficult to revert the ongoing inertia to collect more & more but try to get another job within system (in case you are not leaving BKWSU). That money coming through your mean may be the one wh...

Re: Why do the BKs deny access to their teachings (Murlis)?

12 Sep 2014

Many senior BKs have tried to end all discussion on modification of old Murlis & if you show them errors in their own modified new versions of Murli which appear contradictory with current Murlis, you will get a fixed answer- " Baba says in Murli that Old points will not come to use ."...
Save Innocents

Re: Why I continue to be a BK

12 Sep 2014

I don't follow your reasoning, SI. In one sentence you admonish me for expecting to understand the Gita from an external source and in the very next you say I "need Krishna for that"! Last time I checked, Krishna would be external to me So, you do not get who Lord Krishna is in the first ...
Save Innocents

Re: Hi, I joined BK 3 months back.

12 Sep 2014

I do not call it a wonder. Why many people find Murli giving answers to their personal queries? Firstly, the psychological part is common to everyone, so there is no surprise if you get angry today & next day Murli gives some strategy to curb it. Such things repeat regularly in Murli. Secondly, ...
Save Innocents

Non-BK concepts of Krishna

12 Sep 2014

More than one version of Krishna is also noted for his amoral, polyamorous, trickster and thief-like activities. He almost becomes a Pan like satyr, tearing at and stealing women's saris, biting their breasts, spying on them bathing. Certain activities in description of Lord Krishna are taken out o...

Re: Anything the BKWSU possesses is coming directly from DON

11 Sep 2014

The Brahma Kumaris leadership are 99% about money, and 1% spirituality. Yes, it can be about anything. Prime issue is that the money belongs to followers & there can be no second opinion about it, right? The problem is followers do not get credit to slightest extent for their tremendous contrib...
Save Innocents

Re: Why I continue to be a BK

11 Sep 2014

There is some problem in posting. Last time, my post got merged with that of BK. This time after editing (only removed one word "more") & resubmitting the post, it did not replace the older one. Is anyone else also having this problem? That is understandable enough. I can see how women...
Save Innocents

Re: Why I continue to be a BK

11 Sep 2014

Save Innocent, please ask yourself if you really need to respond to every point. Perhaps it might be a good to give Arbit a chance to respond to any point first before drowning them in many! Yes, you are right. It would be good to discuss one issue instead of covering all at a time. Thanks ex-I,for...
Save Innocents

Re: Why I continue to be a BK

10 Sep 2014

"Mr. Green wrote : The truth is folks you don't need anyone else to be spiritual. You are spiritual, it is natural, everyone is spiritual." Thanks a lot, finally someone said that. It is completely true. Till there is spirit in one's body, he/she is spiritual . Hi Arbit, I am just reflect...

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