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Avatar (what is it?)

27 Sep 2008

Dear all,

It was mentioned in another post that in the BK view, Dada Lekhraj 'is certainly not regarded as an avatar'. Can anyone please tell me what is the BK / PBK view of what 'avatar' means and why is it wrong to apply this to Dada Lekhraj?


Re: Prajapati to Prajapita - Name changed for what?

27 Sep 2008

Here is the account given in the book 'Exploring New Religions' by George D. Chryssides. BK teachings substantially derive from Dada Lekhraj's revelations. BKs state that he is not a guru, possibly meaning that he claims no lineage (or parampara), and he is certainly not regarded as an avata...

Re: BKWSU for beginners

27 Sep 2008

Can you please quote the sentences which you have in mind where John Walliss uses 'theodicy', so we can see how he uses it? On second thoughts, don't bother. I have checked myself and I can see that he clearly loves the word 'theodicy', and uses it very broadly and in ways outside your own two defi...

Re: Raja Yoga (What is it?)

25 Sep 2008

There is no where specifically that Om Mandli is described as Advaitist. I based that on reading the old documents from between 1937 and 1949 with all the talk of faith in Brahm as the Divine Light and 'Aham Braham Asmi'. There being no personal "God" ... apart from Lekhraj Kirpalani. I s...

Re: Prajapati to Prajapita - Name changed for what?

25 Sep 2008

Prajapati (Sanskrit), from praja that which is brought forth (from pra forth) + pati lord. Show me where this other meaning exists. But what we read of Lekhraj Kirpalani was that his name was not Prajapita until after 1950 something and there is no mention of Shiva until then either before then, he...

Re: BKWSU timeline

25 Sep 2008

When did DL start calling himself by a different name? Also these are not events but I would suggest including the years for the oldest surviving BK documents (with links if online) in English (1943?) and Hindi (?). Or maybe a separate timeline for dateable documents including posters etc to show th...

Re: BKWSU for beginners

25 Sep 2008

I used the word theodicy lightly as it had been used in Dr John Walliss's book on the Brahma Kumaris, "The Brahma Kumaris as a Reflexive Tradition". I am not saying of course that 'theodicy' cannot be used re BK, I am only talking about your particular sentence. Can you please quote the s...

Re: BKWSU timeline

24 Sep 2008

with respect, is not that a time line for the PBKs? Perhaps I should have said 'BK family' rather than the narrower 'BKWSU'. Anyway even if it was strictly BKWSU, I would say that the emergence of a second Chariot is hugely significant, but no doubt will not be found in the 'official' BKWSU history...

Re: BKWSU for beginners

24 Sep 2008

I am not 100% sure of which but I suspect it could be either? I take your point but bearing in mind the important of The Knowledge™ ... I chose it because; Theodicy came to be synonymous with 'natural theology', that is, the department of metaphysics which presents the positive proofs for the exist...

Re: Prajapati to Prajapita - Name changed for what?

24 Sep 2008

So Prajapita Brahma is both CORPOREAL Father and mother of humanity. PRAJA = Soul with body, hence the word corporeal. OK, so does Praja-pita only refer to this soul while he is incarnated on earth as Dada Lekhraj and his previous incarnations? I think that BKs believe that since 1969 this soul has...

Re: Prajapati to Prajapita - Name changed for what?

24 Sep 2008

mbbhat wrote:Pati = husband, owner (maalik), e.g.: karod_pati = crore_pati = owner of karod. Pita = just Father

But how are the husband / Father connected to the word Brahma (is it for example 'Father of Brahma', 'Father and Brahma' etc) and what does 'Brahma' mean?

Re: Raja Yoga (What is it?)

24 Sep 2008

ex-l wrote:If you read Hindi, perhaps you could tell us ... 1942 Preordained War Hindi.

I could speak Hindi my previous life but now I've forgotten most of it. Anyway I am looking at the 1943 one in English. Amazing find :shock:. Just remind me the first Murli was when?

Re: Prajapati to Prajapita - Name changed for what?

23 Sep 2008

faisu wrote:Why/when/how did the ‘divine’ Father changed his name from 'Prajapati Brahma' to 'Prajapita Brahma'? One name is not equivalent another, definitely (Pati = Husband, Pita = Father).

What do 'Praja-pati Brahma' and 'Praja-pita Brahma' mean anyway?

Re: Raja Yoga (What is it?)

23 Sep 2008

There is no where specifically that Om Mandli is described as Advaitist. I based that on reading the old documents from between 1937 and 1949 with all the talk of faith in Brahm as the Divine Light and 'Aham Braham Asmi'. ' Are these online? There being no personal "God" ... apart from Le...

Theology versus theodicy

23 Sep 2008

From Monism to Dualism and God Shiva For the first 20 years, the Brahma Kumaris were a monist tradition in the form of orthodox Advaita schools believing that there was only one ultimate substance or principle called the Brahm or Braham. They practised faith in "Aham Brahm Asmi", literall...

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