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List of topics

13 Oct 2006

In the Murli it is said we should create a list of topics.

1. Who is the God of the Gita?
2. What is the difference between God and a deity?
3. How we can become elevated and satopradhan from tamopradhan?
4. What is the difference between Heaven and Hell?

13 Oct 2006

Yes, i meant we should not be shy. Others may tease us, but if we maintain our inner selfrespect, that purity is personality of royalty than we may also tease. "So those who cannot satisfy even one woman try in satisfying 10. Those who cannot control even one woman try controling 10. She also g...
  • Forum: PBK
  • Topic: Gita
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 3278


13 Oct 2006

In the beginning of the Yagya, the Gita from the baktimarg use to be studied and explained. Baba has said in the end it would be the same. There is no controversy over the matter who has spoken through Brahma Baba - Shiva the Supreme Soul, but He does not play the role of God through him and does no...

13 Oct 2006

I know there is always a difference between the idea and the practical thing. For example, now we can think about heaven and how will it be, we may get intoxicated but then it will be natural. Similarly, when one thinks oneself as a student of God it appears ... mind striking ... but later one reali...

13 Oct 2006

Dear John, No, I am interested, but if there is no consequence to The Knowledge one has got, of what use it is for him. We of coarse have rememerance because we receive knowledge first. Of course, someone may understand some deep secrets, others not, but for me this knowledge is to make the mind pea...

13 Oct 2006

Narayan means the true Narayan who becomes directly from a human being to Narayan in the Confluence Age, and not as Brahma Baba, who becomes from an ordinary human being to prince in the next birth. Baba says if you tell a medicine student you study the study now, and become a doctor in the next bir...

13 Oct 2006

Won't the seed souls of other religious groups come in the rosary of 108? If so, can it be said they remember Shiva in the prescribed manner as per PBK knowledge, or will they remember in there own manner as described by the head seed soul of there respective groups? I don't know. For me "butt...

Why should we be left without even a half roasted worm?

12 Oct 2006

There used to be a child. Once it started crying and his Father asked it why does it cry and it said it was hungry. The Father offered an apple, a pear, 100 types of dish, but the child refused. - I want a worm! The Father found a worm, but the child refused. - I like it roasted! The Father roasted ...

12 Oct 2006

Yes, I have made a mistake. It can be called The Knowledge of the Gita, but it cannot be called the nectar of knowledge, because the nectar emerges when churning takes place.

11 Oct 2006

Revised Murli 17.1.04 "... Children it is only by remembering Me that you will become the the most elevated beings, and by imbibing the jewels of knowledge, you will become multimilionaire for your future 21 births ..." The Supreme Father Shiva has said this through BB. He says Me. So it i...

11 Oct 2006

Why look to the past? In the time period you have mention, different stages have passed (for g. Piu Vani). Should we have jealousy towards the Dadis, Didis and Dadas when ShivBaba is here to teach now. They have studied from an incomplete form, take and incomplete aim and receive an incomplete resul...

10 Oct 2006

"He" means the Supreme Soul Shiva. I suppose you think He could clarify something even if it is not in front of Him, just because He knows it by heart. Will that work? For the children it will be as if the teacher enters class and asks children if they know what has happened to him from th...

10 Oct 2006

Dear Brother shivsena,
Where is this definition that "yogbhal means the connection of the soul with the Supreme Soul from? In the Murli the example is that when we remember a mango we have Yoga with the mango. Is the mango the Supreme Soul?

10 Oct 2006

But study is one and the teacher is one. If I have misunderstood something I may also correct myself. I may also have my inner justification to speak as I do, however it may not be clear to others. I may also see valuable points from the Murli which I would like to share. We are God student’s isn’t ...

Purity in the West

10 Oct 2006

In the West, purity doesn’t count. No one thinks about it. When a boy is celibate, he is called pure; when a girl is celibate, she is also called pure. But as Brother ex-l has already said it is difficult to find those ones in the West. However, purity is especially attributed to woman. In the West,...

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