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12 Nov 2006

Yes, is not it only the belief that moves the man forward? The more powerful the belief, the more powerful acts one can perform ... then what is not possible? Will this world of Heaven, that seem inpossible not become possible? It will, if it is God that can create it and no human being that can fai...

Spiritual soul

12 Nov 2006

It is a matter of the soul that is spiritual or in bodyconciousness. Spiritual Father speaks to the spiritual children. If everyone could give this knowledge then everyone would become Shiva. It is a matter of only one who is in spiritual stage and gives spiritual knowledge. All others teach various...

Heaven and Hell

12 Nov 2006

Heaven and Hell are as day and night. When it is the day, it is not the night and the other way round. They don’t exist together at one and the same time. If a soul takes birth in heaven it lives and dies in heaven. If a soul takes birth in hell it lives and dies in hell. Every religion remembers He...

12 Nov 2006

Dear Brother, If you state yourself for yourself that you are in the night of ignorance, that whatever we study is not the complete truth, then what you point out will only be ignorance too. Day does not come at all the places in one and the same time. Not all souls will finish their questions and c...

12 Nov 2006

Dear Brother, The Supreme Soul comes and teaches the philosophy of karma (action), akarama (neutral action), vikarma (sinful action). The one who teaches is above all of these but has knowledge about them. He says that this Law of Karma is connected with the stage the soul is in whilst performing ac...
  • Forum: PBK
  • Topic: Gita
  • Replies: 1
  • Views: 3278

12 Nov 2006

True Gita causes true salvation and the false Gita causes degradation. The God of Gita creates the Gita. He speaks it, but as we know everything is eternal, He does not create it from nothing. Gita is eternal. He adopts it and transforms it. Gita is not a book but a living soul. When this soul is un...

26 Oct 2006

kings are OK on their own. Queens are OK when under good rule of a good king /serving/. "O" means Shiva and "K" means kingdom, so they remember Shiva and take the kingdom of the self. Queens become queens when they marry. They don't belong to themselves, like now we have to give...


26 Oct 2006

I know in the beginning there used to be a court created where everyone used to admit their mistakes. In the Murli, it is said that the one who ask others - did you commit any mistakes today should be in soul consciousness. Will we be able to do it? It is for fun. I have accepted that this knowledge...

26 Oct 2006

sex-organs are considered 'bhrashta' for full 5000

In Golden Age and Silver Age there are no "brashta" organs. All organs are pure.

26 Oct 2006

Revised Murli 20.1.04 "...In the whole world it is just the one Father who doesn't take anything or do anything. Therefore, you children should think about whose children you are..." I was thinking am i a child of such a Father? I take, i do ... So there should also be a corporeal Father ...

26 Oct 2006

Dear Brother, Could you, please excuse me and forgive me, because I am sorry I having been teasing you in an impolite manner. All you say may be correct. You have been in The Knowledge many years, so i suppose you could have been exhausted. Of coarse we all see whatever is happening, but you also ca...

25 Oct 2006

finally by 2009 the seed world (PBKs) and the base world (BKs) form 9 groups corresponding to 9 different religions and is heading towards destruction; (again subtle shooting of Bhakti-marg in the PBK seed world and BK world ). The statement is not finished. What heappens by 2009, the destruction? ...

25 Oct 2006

Dear Brother, You see both /kings - queens/ but these are not there to quarrel, to say OK you are your own and we are our own. No, we are both /whatever/ to unite in one familly as Brothers also. This knowledge aims this and i believe it is the queens that will unite, because kings are OK on their o...

25 Oct 2006

What I am challenging here is BapDada's point of view that the World started 100% and then did nothing but decline until humanity find the BKWSU again. One can also take the example of the battery. It has a maximum capacity, then whether it stays to full capacity, discharges slowly or rapidly, with...

24 Oct 2006

We make our enemies servants.

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