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18 Nov 2006

Dear Mr. Green, But the challenge was not to give points of not liking, but to give better points. It is very easy and many Brothers do that. ex-l Brother, shivsena Bhai I have never seen a positive remark out of them. One speaks only about the shortcomings of the BKWSU, other speaks only about the ...

18 Nov 2006

Dear Brother shivsena, I have said that each time more you state about Krishna teaching and the future nirakari stage of the soul of Ram without proofs, I’ll be trying to give proofs for the opposite, but now I cannot think of anything more. I just liked to say that if it is true it should be benefi...

18 Nov 2006

Dear Brother ex-l, Bhakti comes from many and knowledge comes from one. We study. One can study the Murli as Bhakti ritual too, one can study it with understanding. One can wake up early in the morning as Bhakti because some bodily guru has said to one that if one does not wake up early in the morni...

14 Nov 2006

Dear Brother Mr. green, I have not. Why? I know one can have visions out of it. Yes this knowledge also gives visons with open eyes (visions of the intellect) and spiritual intoxication. I forgot to mention that even the heroes of history cannot make the world better. The world goes down. Only the S...

14 Nov 2006

Dear Brother x- l Yes, our country is advanced, we even have water-mains sometimes. But, Brother we choose what to see. Dollars are only in your eyes. Can you not see noble souls in this organisation, noble acts? Why too late? It is not too late. We know in advance. Of course, it will be proved. Tha...

14 Nov 2006

Dear Brother, Could you, please, send this and if you have it in digital form. However little Hindi i can know i know chalo - means follow and it is in present tense, it is not said will follow. meaning that this time(meaning auspicious Confluence Age which is going to come in future when Ram and Sh...

14 Nov 2006

Dear Brother, No, it is not that the ones who have physical comforts and are happy are in heaven and others in hell. No. It is state of the mind that the Supreme Soul causes through His coming, His presence, His knowledge. It is the state of the soul to be in soul-consciousness - that is heaven. Hel...

14 Nov 2006

Dear Brother, Did i made up this point myself (about the Om Shanti)? No. I have learned it from Baba. it is said Gyan swarup. Which is this swarup. It is even said that in the form of a seed one is knowledgfull even if one has not listened to knowledge. This is all what i learn. Our effort is to bec...

13 Nov 2006

Dear Brother, What you say is completely clear. I believe Baba has said for both the outside world and the Brahmin familly. In the Brahmin familly some ask questions, because they don't know. When we take the basic knowlegde we ask basic questions, then they are answered, then advance questions are ...

13 Nov 2006

We are all now to become karmateet. It means whilst performing actions, to be above this actions. It does not mean to leave the body, but to finish all the accounts, and tese will finish for all. When one is karmateet one does not like to beat anyone or to be beaten, nor one will see a beating. We o...

13 Nov 2006

Dear Mr. Green, The beauty lies in the vision one has towards others. Until this beauty is not revealed, it is not him. If all people keep a corner in their heart for him, whatever knowledge or perception of him they may have, so he should have touched their hearts too. What is hierarchy and dictato...

13 Nov 2006

Dear Brother freefall, Knowledge it is information. May it be true or false. All The Knowledge that comes from human beings to human beings comes after study, they hear, see, etc. through the sense organs information is received and transmited. If we all could have one and the same knowledge .. like...

12 Nov 2006

Yes, that's why this spiritual knowledge is also a matter of understanding. About the girls, yes, man and woman are made to be together and this is what is heaven on earth but what makes this heaven into hell is exactly this relationship that becomes spoilt. And what makes this relationship new and ...

12 Nov 2006

It happened funny. It should be "we see"

12 Nov 2006

But what is the difference between knowledge and supposition. One you know for sure, the other we are not certain in. We are used to believe in many different things and accept them as knowledge e.g., what the sceintist say about the atom for example. Have you seen an atom? Is there any logical reas...

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