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27 Dec 2006

... were personal karma with the Seniors involved. You obviously owed them from last birth. Ha! May be in your last birth you were a BK Sister that stole the money from BK followers or used Yagya money for your own comforts!?! Yes, because who enjoys that money? In the Murli it is said we should no...

27 Dec 2006

Dear Brother, It can be known he is present only by The Knowledge that he gives. When he comes and goes, what he does are only his mysteries, is not it? He does not reside in the Chariot all day long. It is said he enters numberwise the beads of the 108 but it is not to make one perplexed as to wher...

27 Dec 2006

But how will the Freudian or other therapy heal you? It won't tell you you are a soul. It would continue to tell you that the sexual vision you are having - seeing everyone as sexual object is normal and everyone does like this, so don't worry. It will tell you that if you don't have such vision the...

26 Dec 2006

we know it already and have seen its failings. Which failings? See, Brother ... you only speak and don't support your speaking further ... yes, we all have a right to express an opinion ... but what an opinion do we express ... and it is like the useless gossip about politics at home ... people thi...

26 Dec 2006

How do you make a relative measurement in a matterless infinity or is Paramdham not infinite? It is that Paramdham comes in this world and it is a matter of such a stage. That this soul of Shiva, whilst he is in a body, has such a high stage of the intellect that no one else in this world has. The ...

26 Dec 2006

Yes, we do have such vision and we know we do, so where is the new? The problem is that energy, mind, vision, go to these procreative organs. Sexual desire has such power in us that we cannot control it. Due to weakness of the soul it gets influenced by the organs. We should take the mind and body u...

26 Dec 2006

I don't think at this point in your life that you are thinking clearly ... So do you say you’re thinking clearly when you say I don’t think clearly. How? Tell ... what did you use to think when you were in the BK? Did you use to think that the outside world is Maya? Now do you think that the BK wor...

26 Dec 2006

I mean that if one person is impure he cannot become pure by coming in the company of another impure one. In this world The Purifier - the ever pure one - comes in only one. He does not come in everyone. I mean that intellect of human beings is degraded and it can become elevated only if it has conn...

26 Dec 2006

It means wah...i posted and discovered the topick has been moved the post...but had this empty space i had to put something in it...then just when i was about to...i realised that....this empty space is a channel...and the one who spoke...ha...was a spook...are you afraid......

26 Dec 2006

Dear Brother celtiggyan, You were talking about mixturity so if there is mixturity then initially there should be purity. So, when was this purity, before mixturity. Hitler tries to do the task (to create a pure nation) that is performed by the Supreme Soul through the highest deity Shankar, of dest...

26 Dec 2006

Dear Brother ex-l, you started ... warped, programmed... who would like to listen words like this about himself ... ... you have pretentions towards the ideology, or the way the organisation works, or the people there, but what do you have in common with them so that it gives you right to have prete...

26 Dec 2006


26 Dec 2006

No, no, i mean if one comes people will not talk to him peacefully because they think he is in the wrong, and will have the attitude towards him ... see ... you came here ... oh-ho ... now listen ... we'll teach you a lesson ... and will start accusations, abuses. Generally, everyone like peace and ...

26 Dec 2006

Dear Brother, In this knowledge everything is unlimited. Is it correct to believe that after one accepts this knowledge we will not get sick and his depts will be cut. Yes, we cut them and it takes time, but we have to suffer our own deeds from the past and we have to tolerate happily. See ... not e...

26 Dec 2006

No, Brother, exactly the other way, we should put all our eggs in one basket, then let it happen whatever it has to happen ... see, life moves like this ... there is no turning back ... the more powerful steps we make then we create our drama as such. If we are certain in something let it be 100%. I...

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