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01 Jan 2007

Yes, it is only the vices that give us sorrow.

01 Jan 2007

Dear Brother, No, i mean you have been crying for the money you give. You give and you cry whilst giving is this real giving. Yes, it is a big ammount. I did not know but it is good You must have been feeding many others, but oh no, you had to take so that you can give. Yes, it is different but it i...

01 Jan 2007

Yes, I am happy to be not informed because i don't care for the world, its a dead world. I don't believe that here i would find true information. Yes, there are resorcess like libraries, one can make it clear to find, one can find some fact but it is like the stagnant water of the pond. We like drin...

01 Jan 2007

Yes, we should not interfere in other person’s personal life but to what extent is our life personal and public. If one does make his own problem public, by voicing it then because we hear we should interfere. I have spoken to Mr. Green only as an individual not BK, PBK, out of the perspective of my...

01 Jan 2007

Dear Brother ex-l It is not good to go to a psychiatrist, because you’ll enter as a normal human being ... yes we all have problems ... but these are not experts in mind and emotional matters, because they don’t control their mind and emotions better than anyone else do and don’t have less problems ...

01 Jan 2007

There should be documental evidences with dates and names for the trust. It could have been just the final drop to overflow the glass, but Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says a yogi can never die of heart failure. A yogi leaves the body by its own wish. Mama used to be sick ... everything that happens ...

31 Dec 2006

In one true Guru there is salvation, in many human gurus there is degradation.

31 Dec 2006 Dear Brother John, I would very much like to bury the hatchet. What has this got to do with purity and unadultery - this link. You just liked to show that there is also the other point of view. OK. That news doesn't bring eternal benefit to th...

31 Dec 2006

Maybe this has been missed by your radar of interest on the forum. Yes, I am not interested in everything in the forum and don't read everything. I believe, there are many useless things which will not make use for me and i don't even touch them. Iti s normal to be like that. Everywhere it is like ...

31 Dec 2006

I am not sure whether it is like this. However, yes, she was a living archive, her intellect had collected them. There were no need to write them. Human beings write scriptures after the religious Father departs. In the Murli it is even said we don't need pen and paper, it will get destroyed. Whatev...

31 Dec 2006

Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit. Numberwise Narayans from the Golden Age who take numberwise births 83, 82 etc. Numberwise religious Fathers come after Copper Age and they get converted in the respective religion. The seed form souls from the PBK who take complete 84 births give birth to them but don’t ...

31 Dec 2006

I guess Jagadamba Saraswati Om Radhe is the one in the front on the right. Yes, she used to be the actual controller of the Yagya rather than Brahma Baba She used to say him, "you just rest I’ll do all the work". She also used to have more power of thinking. Saraswati is the deity of the i...

29 Dec 2006

What is wrong to be wrong? I am wrong many times. The moment that i realise I am wrong, i preefer to admit it and accept defeat. But until this moment arrives, it is natural that i like to be right and speak out of this impulse. Should I speak what i consider wrong? Yes, the way others express their...

29 Dec 2006

God comes in India and speaks Hindi because Hindi is common language in India. He comes in India because of its speciality of valuing purity and unadultery which cannot be seen in any other country.

29 Dec 2006

Yes, i would also accept that Father, Son and the Holy Ghost are Ram, Krishna And Shiva. Baba explains the way in which a religion is formed. 3 souls take part; one seed, one root and one new soul from up above. In this case, Ram is the seed, Krishna is the root and the soul from up above is Shiva. ...

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