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04 Feb 2007

Dear Brother, Whatever is Baba’s language should be the language of the children. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says Hindi is the easiest language in the world. One can learn in few months. It also means words and expressions he uses we should use the same. It is easy Raja Yoga. Lanuage is simple and ...

04 Feb 2007

It is said Ravan comes from Dwapur yuga. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit explains that Dwapur means dualistic. Two religions get established, two countries, two kingdoms, two families, two directions and downfall starts firstly in the mind. In Golden and Silver Ages there is still downfall but there is ...

04 Feb 2007

Revised Murli 10.12.2002
"This is a very elevated study. You also have to teach it to young children. Together with a worldly education this education should also be given."

04 Feb 2007 Cards with sound and pictures. English – Hindi dictionary, when activated shows in Hindi Devanagari each English word pointed with ...

04 Feb 2007

Shiv neither takes nor give colour of the company.

the first is for sure but not the second

28 Jan 2007

Dear Brother, God Krishna from the Gita does not mean the soul of Krishna –Lekhraj Kirpalani, but the soul of Shiva. The soul of Ram is always present in this world, but it is not always his kingdom. He wins this kingdom and loses it. The one to enable him to win it is the soul of Shiva. However it ...

28 Jan 2007

The soul of Shiva cannot be the holy ghost because it does not possess a subtle body. BapDada can be Father - Shiv and son Krishna and the Holy ghost can be Shankar because he has a subtle body. So, for Christians the Father of Christ is the Corporeal God Father who is the seed soul of Christianity,...

28 Jan 2007

There was a story of a child. His mother used to distribute coupons in the time after the war when everything – sugar, bread, clothes, gas for lighting – used to be obtained with coupons. This child used to be left once for a day in a house of another mother to watch for it ... it is a true story .....

28 Jan 2007

and these souls-concious children did not have so many connections with many And if there is only one such couple that are always with one another in the whole cycle – or else with none other ... then how does it discredit the teachings of Freud, because according to him one should have vision for ...

27 Jan 2007

Dear Brothers, Making the Murli public and revealing the secrets from within the BK is not a constructive task. So what if we do, what do we do next with it. We are left to play the bad ones with the revolutionary attitude. The task is not to damage anyone else’s work. We desire our own benefit and ...

02 Jan 2007

Which Baba? We should not give sorrow to others will be when we become viceless, otherwise we continue to give. Now we become independent ... we don’t have to give to everyone ... this BK soul has acted like this only because someone has given him power – you are a senior? But we should become such ...

02 Jan 2007

Yes, Bharat is brothel because only in Bharat people believe in many and worship many. Islamists, Buddhists, Christians are firm in their faith in one. But this Bharat also become a temple of Shiva where everyone worship only one Shivling. In the Murlis it is said that we make effort to transform Bh...

02 Jan 2007

Murlis only became available after Om Radhe past away It is most probably not so because I can remember points from the Murli where there is mention about Mama as if she is alive – "like this Mama" etc. etc. 2003/09/04 “ It is surely Sarawati and Brahma who will first become Lakshmi and N...

02 Jan 2007

I couldn't see a hole in his argument. So, is he mentally ill or at his senses. Who has told you you have mental ilness. To me you just seem very normal. Yes, i encounter the same situation that i cannot persuade some souls that the conciousness and the world degrades ... whilst for others it seems...

02 Jan 2007

Dear Brother, I think it very much depends on the translation. Originally the Hindi word may have the colour of the meaning that Brahma takes side - to mean becomes Dharamraj and then it depends on the understanding of the translator. The same way Brahma so Vishnu. The meaning extracted was always t...

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