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15 Apr 2007

Because he is Father to both the good and the bad, and where do the bad qualities in the bad comes - they should be there in the seed, is not it? So the Father is the seed. Maybe it is not that way. If the soul becomes pure then in this soul no bad qualities are there even in merged form. Then they...

07 Apr 2007

It is different heaven in Confluence Age and Golden Age. To arrive to the stage of soul-conciousness is to go to heaven. In the Murlis it is said that we'll complete the study and destrution will start. Maybe those who leave their bodies will also complete their studies before destrution. Does it me...

07 Apr 2007

RajYoga was neither taught at the basic level nor is being taught at the advance level but will be taught only to 108 rudramala souls(kings of many births) in the near future; neither the 41/2 lac souls of basic praja nor the 16000 souls of royal advance praja will have the privilege of learning Ra...

06 Apr 2007

Dear Brother, Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that from the beginning itself for 4,500 lakhs souls the Path of Bhakti starts, and for the other 4,500 lakhs the Path of Gyan. In the Murli, it is said that visions and trance is a Path of Bhakti, and Knowledge is spoken through the mouth. If it was Br...

02 Apr 2007

No, Brother. It is that I am the monkey who has mistaken the firefly for fire and you are the bird who tells the truth. It is not that i really think that what you say is true. The point is that the one who does not like to hear does not like to hear and the one who insist on something that is true ...

02 Apr 2007

Have you been a zero all the time or were you a + that met a -. Can we become zeroes on our own.

02 Apr 2007

So are you + that looks for - or are you a zero on your own. If you are a zero on your own, you'll not destinguis. Multiply zero to +/- it will remain zero. Still deep secret.

02 Apr 2007

Brother, the same as you i like a perfect, complete familly. What and where is the problem i don't know and don't like to know. If you know any solution, you tell me and i'll try to work it out.

02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother, It is also possible that purushottam Sangamyug is from 36 to 76, as it is said in the picture of The Ladder. First Father reveals the child Krishna in the beginning with the clarifications of the visions. Then children reveal the Father in 76. Does it say in any Murli that Sangamyug an...

02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother shivsena, Yes, I now see that most probably it is not there in the Murlis (Ram becomes Ravan). These dualistic parts are especially in the Advanced Knowledge. Like in the Murli it is never said there are two types of Brahmins, deity-like and devilish. You have to distinguish between Ram...

02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother shivsena a story you may find appropriate; In the woods there lived a troup of monkeys. It was winter and they were cold. They saw a firefly and thought it to be fire. They gathered branches put them over it, stared to blow on it and to act as if they feel the heat. One of them was blow...

02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother shivsena, Is Mama "Mama" only to the PBKs who have entered the Yagya before she vanishes and who have seen her. Is she not Mama to the PBKs who come later after she vanished and after she left the letter and who have not seen her? Or is it that after she vanishes and leaves th...

02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother, the Gita from the path of Bhakti on the World Drama stage of 5000 years, after the beginning of Copper Age does not contain the name of Krishna in the begining. In the beginning, it has the name of the incorporeal. The name of Krishna gets added later on. In the Advance shooting some s...

02 Apr 2007

Dear Brother, Should we also synchronise our intellect - understanding and our sanskaras - nature amongst ourselves. Why I can notice that Sisters are especially invited to this synchronisation, whilst you have a wife why do you seek synchronisation? You may say there is no gender to cosmic love. Ye...

01 Apr 2007

Dear Brother, Who is reffered to like this? It is not for Brahma Baba. First it comes an idea - there is Prajapati. This is common old knowledge from the path of bakti, but somehow in this gathering it comes with new power. Like everyone knows to chant om, but some special power is there in their ch...

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