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21 Jun 2007

If we take the Murli seriously as words of God then it makes difference. Even in this rule we have to obey laws, they don't ask you whether you like them or not. In the military, you are not asked whether you'll like this or not. Orders are given that you have to obey. As is the king, so are the sub...

21 Jun 2007

Intoxication can also be something positive. It is not nessessarily based on deception or self deception. Whatever we like, we get intoxicated with. Whatever we like, we think about, wherever we think our benefit lies, there we invest mind power, power of the body, money. Then we remember that and o...

21 Jun 2007

In the Murlis it is said that Bharat has become fully atheist now. An atheist is one that does not have hope in anyone, he does not have even hope in himself. If someone says, hi ... you are prajapita - he will say hm ... Prajapita!!! Nonsense. It is said that an atheist has no dharna. He will do wh...

21 Jun 2007

Why incorrect? If we see a complicated mathemathical formula that we cannot understand, it is not that it is incorrect. Maybe we can see it being correct at some point when we learn, if not today, tommorrow. Murlis can be proved false on each step and discarded, but it is better to harvest some pati...

21 Jun 2007

Dear Brother ex-l, Manu is Brahma. The projeny of Manu are "manush" - human being - Brahmin - one who thinks and churns. From the mouth of Brahma, Brahmins emerge. People start thinking of The Knowledge that has emerged from that mouth and become human beings. But the aim is not to become ...

21 Jun 2007

Dear Brother John, No, no, basic knowledge is correct, but it is basic knowledge. This is not criticism. Like the difference between school and university. Basic knowledge is not denied, it is clarified in depth. The difference comes in the clarifications, the explanations, the teachings of the Murl...

21 Jun 2007

Yes, I mean Baba (ShivBaba through Virendra Dev Dixit) did reply through e-mail that, no, we have no information about this Golden Circle.

20 Jun 2007

Baba has replied no information.

19 Jun 2007

If law is in one hand, then it will be much easier. Now laws are created by many human beings. In comparison to that we can have only one Godly law, because is god one or are there many gods? There is only one God who gives only one law (Shrimat). Law is also not something for restrictions. If regul...

19 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, Many times you ask whether one's own opinion one can present is or it is not according to the Advanced Knowledge as if you cannot judge yourself? Other times you make a lot of claims about how it is in the Advanced Knowledge. Now you sound as if you perfetly know what the traditional P...

19 Jun 2007

Dear abrahma, Yes, it is all about this, what The Knowledge makes out of us and what we make with The Knowledge. No, no ... yes, we should be free and this is the aim of everyone, but what is freedom it is not to not be influenced. Freedom with no retsrictions is no freedom, it cannot exist. There a...

19 Jun 2007

False god.

19 Jun 2007

Dear Brother ex-l, Cases where women torture men are more rare. It is less probable that a woman violates a man, because he is physically more powerful and she cannot succeed. But if she uses techniques of seduction, she may succeed because man is weak in resisting. It is said that when he sees an o...

19 Jun 2007

Maybe we can also put some positive happenings in the chart which also occure sometimes. Then they will uplift us. Yes, maybe we can punish ourselves in some way each time a mistake is done, or scold ourselves, pull our ear, but we should equate the mistake with the punishment. If we are to miss a m...

19 Jun 2007

Yes, yes, Jagadamba is rather a role, but for a soul to play a role a body is needed so there is a soul - Jagadamba and body Jagadamba. Yes, it is a role. The soul that plays the role of Jagadamba does not play the role of Jagadamba all the time. It plays the role of Krishna in the beginnning of the...

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