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25 Jun 2007

If the world is like a family where people interact with love, then one is ready to do everything for the one he loves. Also if we take an example of a family where only the Father works, he buys everything, there is not the case that one says, this is mine, i have bought it with my money. There is ...

25 Jun 2007

Yes, it is said that there is no need to prove the truth. It is self-evident. If you try to prove it it becomes like stubborness.

It is said also that truth is imperishable. No one can also hide it as no one can hide the sun.

23 Jun 2007

Maybe also this is attributive to communism - the mass production, the big stores, and big buildings where diferent people who has no connection with one another live together, hostels etc. where you can hear through the walls when the neighbour switcehs on the tv, when he opens and closes doors, wh...

23 Jun 2007

Dear Brother ex-l, I know swa-desh means "native". Swa means self and desh means country. Videsh means foreign. Our country of residence is the self, is it not? It is very courageous supposition that one will be able to make up the BK knowledge to support the BK hierarchy. In the beginning...

23 Jun 2007

I have not been to Middle East or Africa and cannot say from own experience. I know Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that Muslims have a lot of purity. There are very strict laws there. You know in many countries females walk with veil. If someone assaults someone else's wife then his leg or arm is ...

23 Jun 2007

Because i cannot back up my statements with a proof, then i excuse myself and agree to attribute it to a wrong impression.

23 Jun 2007

You say that spirits introduce themselves and i just liked to point that in the Murli also the spirit introduces itself. i have no experience with other spirits. You ask, "is this true?" but it is not clear what do you ask about. If you ask if the Murli is true, and you like my opinion, th...

23 Jun 2007

Dear Brother Mr. Green,

Note has been taken of the shorcomings pointed by you.

You are experienced in the BK world and can reveal the shorcoming of anyone, drawing a specific picture out of experience, but in the outside world food has become a central issue and intellectuality too.

23 Jun 2007


23 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, If you think that you have been stupid in the past to be in the BKs and have made a mistake that you are now sorry about it. It does not mean that i am now making the same mistake. If one has been attracted to the BKs, to something external that will change in time, one will become dis...

23 Jun 2007

Dear Brother John, You yourself have made claims in the past about the PBK giving The Knowledge, that this is not a PBK forum ,they should have their own forum ect. It is practical suggestion that may make things more clear, otherwise it becomes like spam advertising, the pop-up windows that pop up ...

21 Jun 2007

Dear Brother ex-l, You can notice how strict these laws are. The weaker the king, the weaker laws he'll give. He is afraid to command his subjects. Even in a company, if the director is weak he does not have authority, personnel laugh at him, he submits and cannot tell them anything. How do you thin...

21 Jun 2007

If you have information, then if you would like, you may tell. I have only heard about it here as gossip and although i can persume this gossip could have existed in the past too, and as there is no clear mention about it in the words of God - the Murlis or clarifications, then i think that with suc...

21 Jun 2007

Dear Brother paul, yes, souls are initially pure and good and what is bad is the rust that comes to them as external influence. When soul is colored by the one company of Supreme Soul it is purified. Then when it is coloured by the company of different human gurus - Abraham, Buddha, Christ - it caus...

21 Jun 2007

dear Brother paul As i understand spiritual - spirit means a soul. all are spiritual people, all are souls. One becomes more spiritual the more he thinks about the soul, look as others as souls and things about The Knowledge that is given by the Supreme Soul that is knowledge for application. Real w...

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