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29 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, I did not mean we should not eat, out of compassion. No, we live in this world. We should even smile sometimes superficially, dress according the situation and pretend. However, internally, we know what age we are in. It is said that to remember that we are now in the CA is also manman...

29 Jun 2007

Dear Brother paul, If the world we live in was perfect and OK then no one would be unhappy with it. Even if some are happy in it many are not. This world changes every day and we are the ones to change it. We have to have some ideas that we like to achieve in it, we have to know how it should be, so...

29 Jun 2007

Dear Brother ex-l, You comment about people in the BK but, please, understand that what you reaveal is just a subjective view. As subjesctive as any other. You present yourself as "realistic", "punctual", just to excuse your comments of such type. For example saying the correct l...

28 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, Shooting happens in the Confluence Age itself. When the Supreme Soul comes, the Confluence Age commences and in this age there are different shootings. One is included in the other. In this age, Pandavas know and follow God, Kauravas know but don't follow and Yadavas neither know nor f...

28 Jun 2007

They receive the light of knowledge of the Supreme Soul Shiva who has played the part through Brahma, giving cool rays of knowlegde - the Murli we have today. For them, the Supreme Soul has come in Brahma Baba and this form is the only form of God of the Gita and the Murli is the Gita. We believe it...

28 Jun 2007

Maybe if we feel ourselves responsible for the events of crisis where we like to help, then probably we are also responsible for it to happen. IT is said that when the nature of human being changes then nature changes. We contribute, with thoughts, words, actions. We sometimes can have tsunami,earth...

27 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, the giver of knowledge is Supreme Soul Shiva, but both fathers are needed, because a soul on its own cannot speak The Knowledge. His coming, enterance cannot be documented. If there is documentation about this, it may be wrong. We now have a lot of information, knowledge from him left ...

27 Jun 2007

Dear Brother shivsena, Why is the need for separation of BK, PBK? Just see the information on its own and judge yourself if it is correct or not. BK knowledge is not incorrect knowledge. There is just the explanation of where is the Subtle Region, what does it mean, where is the silence world. Why d...

26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother abrahma, You have put me in an uncomfortable postion where i have to play the stone hearted one as i did not know about Darfur. Yes, i searched Google and saw. You know these sufferings exists even without me knowing. I mean that what an atmosphere we live in, what a world we live in! T...

26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother shivsena I think the difference from 8 to 108 to 16000 to 900000 are in the inculcation of purity and not in the way of thinking. Yes, it is also in the way of thinking. Everything comes there first is it not? Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that 900 000 are ordinary subjects who does ...

26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother shivsena,

This is also correct from PBK point of view.

26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother ex-l,

Knowledge comes from one Father, devotion comes from human beings.

26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother john, Its just a formal matter. We do not make changes and interpretations to The Knowledge. We learn. For us it is a strong theory with no contradictions. When someone points to some contradiction then he receives an answer. But if he is not happy with the answer then what can we do? T...

26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother paul, I just meant that ruling is done in different ways. You know in a group there is a formal leader and non-formal leader. One is a face and another is the real leader. Because the world is like this now, some poeple get the credit due to other people. They control others. This is th...

26 Jun 2007

Dear Brother, Zhuk, What do you mean by Darfur. Dear alladin, Yes, now on the posters and billboards there are bodies without heads, only legs. Head is not important part of the picture anymore. Also propaganda in the magazines and tv. It was not always like this, but these customs now take over the...

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