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18 Jul 2007

Brother new-world raised the topic somewhere about 84 births and complete 84 births. Baba says that complete 84 births is for 450,000 souls who transform themselves (their souls and bodies). And those who take birth through them also take 84 births.

18 Jul 2007

Regarding the souls in knowledge that leave the body, it is said that those who have Bhakti sanskars left will have to leave the body.

18 Jul 2007

So, if we like to meet god we should go to paulkershaw's heart. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that when the guru preaches that god is omnipresent and followers get intoxicated that, yes indeed he is omnipresent and dance and sing in happiness, and then they go back home and Brother kills the Brot...

18 Jul 2007

Although the theory of purity and how pure is someone, the theory of 100% purity and karmateet stage can be maintained successfully. (BapDada is ready to go, Shankar does not do anything - 100 percent rememberance, when in 100 percent remembarance there is no sin, Shankar subtle deity - angel, means...

18 Jul 2007

Dear br. new_world, That's why in the Avyakt Vani it is asked, "are you content with yourself", with you present efforts etc. Whatever the world, and the shooting to remain, content is not a small thing. But it is also said that now, after you have come in The Knowledge, your rising has st...

18 Jul 2007

Although the Supreme Soul Shiva can know everythjing it need not mean he may say everything. In the Murli, it is said that, "i relate knowledge only according to the drama". For example, we know he will never tell the date of Destruction although he may know it, being seer of the 3 aspects...

04 Jul 2007

We believe the soul can become pure whilst in the body. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says first the soul becomes pure, then the body. First the soul becomes powerful, whist the body still degenerates then the body also rejuvenates. It is a matter of the vision. If the ever pure Shiv has entered we sh...

04 Jul 2007

The Supreme Soul Shiva is called abhogta and akarta. The one who does not enjoy pleasures and does not do anything. In the Murlis it is asked, "do i eat the food, i just take the fragrance". It is said, "whatever i am as i am it is difficult to understand" (or no one can understa...
  • Forum: PBK
  • Topic: Andrey
  • Replies: 72
  • Views: 77893

01 Jul 2007

There is something i don't understand about being upest. If one is upset then one has to set himself on a seat and he won't be upset. To be upset means nothing. To leave being upset ... why? Why should one be left with misunderstanding? Are we not mature individual that can live together no matter t...

01 Jul 2007

If Murlis get burnt out, then I will hold andrey Bhai responsible, just as he is burning the hearts of those who are on this forum, by his irresponsible, irrelevant replies. Then maybe a solution can be to learn them by heart. I don't know if in the burning heart information stays. He can say my re...

01 Jul 2007

Yes, it depends on whatever information one is thirsty for.
  • Forum: PBK
  • Topic: Andrey
  • Replies: 72
  • Views: 77893

01 Jul 2007

Dear Brother, No. It is only you who insist that am limited in mind and always don't understand you. I act consciously and am ready to face the consequences. If i provoke people then this also is in the lines of the code of conduct. Temporary sorrow if it gives happiness for all the time, like the b...
  • Forum: PBK
  • Topic: Andrey
  • Replies: 72
  • Views: 77893

01 Jul 2007

Brother John, Yes, we should take example of Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit and not the example of the mother that argues. If you lose your temper don't blame me. No one should be adressed impolitely, no matter what. No one deserves a beating no matter why. However, it happens that when someone is beat...

01 Jul 2007

Dear Brother john, Maybe the larynx matter is not so. Maybe it is said that i use the mouth. It does not mean that he controls the muscles, because he is said to not have any conciousness of the body, otherwise he will be concious of larynx. Maybe using the mouth means that The Knowledge comes from ...

01 Jul 2007

Forget about it. Don't think everything that you are told is true.

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