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23 Jul 2007

It is also said that if there is an evil spirit we should move, so that it does not enter us.

23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother Mr. Green, That is why the Supreme Soul teaches us intellectual Yoga and narrates spiritual knowlegde to transform our consciousness and does not teach us any physical exercises. He asks us that we develop attitude of brotherhood amongst ourselves, to change our vision so that the world...

21 Jul 2007

One can extract anything out of The Knowledge and can prove one point from two opposite points

Sorry, here it should be that with one point one can prove two opposite points.

21 Jul 2007

Maybe there is difference from the Chariot through which knowledge is given because listening and narrating is performed through the mother in the beginning, basic knowledge through Brahma Baba is given; and Advanced Knowledge is given through other Chariot. As in the picture of the Three Worlds, Th...

21 Jul 2007

Regarding the evil souls entering etc., it is said we are the ones to make these evil souls good. It is our duty. The example is with the fire brigade and a fire. When there is fire they don't run and hide but perform the duty to put it off. Maybe our mistake is we fear these evil souls. All people ...

21 Jul 2007

Dear Brother, Yes, i think it is the same with negative and positive influence. You have said it very well. You don't believe in The Knowledge. You don't like to listen. Even if you listen, it is like not hearing or not accepting. This is like preventing from influence. There is this tendency that i...

20 Jul 2007

Dear br. Mr. Green, You say that we are influenced by others only to the extend that we allow them to influence us, or we programme ourselves. It will be very good if it were like this, because it happens that sometimes we don't want at all to be influenced/ Consciously we don't want. Consciously we...

20 Jul 2007

dear br. ex-l Yin and Yang are terms use in China - Buddhism. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit definetely uses these terms but in other naming. I believe in the male female relationship. When we both have both the male and female qualities, then we should address one another in the right way. If we both ...

20 Jul 2007

It is said in the Murli that when good service is happening then we should understand that it is BapDada who is doing it. Some children feel proud that they did good service but it is BapDada that enters and gives power of vision, speech, virbration. We believe that we are impure, degraded souls who...

18 Jul 2007

It is not a matter of simple question and answer, there is some intentionality. Same question is put 100 times. Why should the answer be different every time?

It's a share place, we can also share.

18 Jul 2007

It is also said that the part of Shankar is such that you children will not be able to understand it. There is also this mage of god that he is completely without hands that no one can extend cooperation constantly, all lose faith.

18 Jul 2007

She said that her effort lately was that in the Murli it is said that we should say Baba from the heart at least 1000 times a day, and she has been counting or something. Its not very deep is it? I think there is difference to intellectuality that is just for the sake of it and practical wisdom. Fo...

18 Jul 2007

You have asked why ShivBaba, and we PBKs, do not know about the early years of the Yagya. It means you expect him to know and reveal and we too know. Then whatever he reveals, he does on his own, but also based on questions he is asked. It is said that he dances the dance of knowledge according to t...

18 Jul 2007

If male and female are created to be with one another, then maybe problems come when they are not. For example, it is no surprise there are so many quarrels here and there. I believe each one of us is not created to have so many relationships and to get along with everyone, it is not normal. Althoug...

18 Jul 2007

In the Murli it is said that our body will become like the Kalpa tree.

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