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28 Jul 2007

Dear Brother, In the Murli it is said that this drama is eternal, but it also has beginning middle and end. It is also a cycle. The seed does not come out of nothing, the seed comes out of The Tree. The Tree grows, produces a new seed and dies. The new seed grows produces a new tree that grows old, ...

28 Jul 2007

When did these collective meditations originate. Were they there at the time of Brahma Baba. I believe people were just sitting together, waiting for Baba to come or sitting in front of him, and their attention used to be drawn to one thing. It is said that whilst even sitting in silence, before the...

28 Jul 2007

It is only a matter of breaking away with the intellect, not physically. Then it is said that the effort we have to do is only to become detached then we automatically become loving. There is no need to make separate effort to become loving. The more one becomes detached, the more one becomes loving...

27 Jul 2007

It depends on the group.

27 Jul 2007

Our aim is to become detached. There is the example of the seed that detaches from the three so that to be sown in the earth once again. Of this big three with great variety, the seed is only one. It is not the Supreme Father Shiva, but the seed of humanity, the first man Adam. It is said that some ...

27 Jul 2007

I don't know what is this that you call "meditating". It is said we should sit with one thought. If in the gathering all have one and the same thought in one sec, then powerful transformation could happen. It is good to be in a gathering because it is said that it is the easiest service, t...

27 Jul 2007

Now we are not purity, peace and love, we used to be this yesterday and today we are once again becoming this. If we were already perfect, then we would not experience sorrow. We are not one and the same all the time, sometimes we are up, sometimes down. We means i. That's why first we come to know ...

26 Jul 2007

I say again, Andrey speak for yourself. Something that takes maturity to achieve. You cannot say OUR power of discrimination as WE don't have one hehehe ... Everyone is different, your power of discrimination my be as you say, mine may not heheeh. It is said that our mind will lead us to downfall. ...

23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother John,

It is only my opinion. In the declaration, it says impurity will finish in about 10 years.

23 Jul 2007

dear br. ex-l, From the tone of your post i can see that you don't subscribe to such activities, and this attidtude will not vary a lot. Generally such behaviour feels like not good. Why? Where does the soul know if it is good or bad so that to feel certain way? Despite we may have knowledge of many...

23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother, yes, it is an interesting aspect as to how do such believes that are not immediately associacated with a religious figure originate? I know ideas comes along with people, i mean there should be some person who carry these ideas. Ideas are human's phenomena. They don't float or hang in ...

23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother,

the preacher will preach like this because he lives like this. But if we look in the scriptures of Christianity, what do we see there? Preachings of preachers have changed now.

23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother Mr. Green, Yes, i also believe that although the soul-consciousness is stable in the Golden Age and Silver Age. This power of soul-conciousness starts decreasing from the 1st second of Golden Age, as it is said in the Murli and body-conciousness starts to grow very slowly. In the CA the...

23 Jul 2007

Dear Brother Mr. Green, Our discrimination power and power of discernment is as powerful as a boat on the waves. Today i see things this way and tomorrow i change. It can even happen to change in one day, or in the time period of seconds, minutes, hours. Dear Brother ex-l, It is also off topic to ma...

23 Jul 2007

It is said that as are the stars in the sky, so we are the living stars on earth. As there is a world merged in each star we also have our own world here on earth. So maybe these non-living stars can be connected with us the living stars, with our conscioussness, attitude. Like there is the living e...

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