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16 Aug 2007

Dear br. ex-l, Yes, it is mentioned in the Murlis that "they are shudras, we are Brahmins" but it is possible that it is not to instill some sense of dignity. Maybe if we could take this context then it could mean that it is not that those Brahmins that are born in this caste that are the ...

16 Aug 2007

I think that other religions are not wrong. Baba via Virendra Dev Dixit says that in every religion there is truth. Maybe the problem is that there are many different religions. If all could gather to agree on some basic, universal, commonly acceptable values then, then they would be becoming one re...

14 Aug 2007

VCD* No.697, Cassette No.1183, dated 11.06.07, at Bhilai Gitapathshala Clarification of Murli dated 12.10.67 "... Some souls become so sorrowful. What is the main reason? Beat the animals, bull, buffalo, cow with a stick. It would feel (the pain) just when it is beaten with the stick. Later on,...
  • Forum: PBK
  • Topic: Andrey
  • Replies: 72
  • Views: 77879

12 Aug 2007

Observation of behavior of people and voicing the opinion about it is done in yellow-prеss with photos of the discreditation. Discussing of Godly knowledge is different. I understand you may have difficulties each time to sort out which part is from the Murli and which one is clarification, be...

12 Aug 2007

dear br. ex-l, If we would make it a religious fight djihad, then there is no need. There is nothing wrong in the Hindu religion. It is an old religion. They have the knowlegde of The Cycle, rebirth, something from the knowldge has also remained in the practical life. Newer religions Islam , Buddhis...

12 Aug 2007

The old Sakar Murlis were full of it. "You are pure, they are impure ... You are Godly Family, they are Shudras, I think all the fight is only due some misundertsanding. I don't remember having heard in the Murli like this or at least don't have such feeling left. No one has promoted that we a...

12 Aug 2007

Dear br. neo, I feel there is something wrong in telling people how they should feel, like guiding the meditation. Perhaps one could just narrate some points of knowledge and one can feel the way he feels about them. Generally, with this "meditation" thing, it is very easy for one to concl...

09 Aug 2007

It is only such peole like you

I have to apologise for such way. dear Brother, please, it is only when one loses himself in speaking like priest that he also starts hurting others. Please, forgive me.

09 Aug 2007

I mean if we call soul a point of light, without a body, it cannot work. souls can understand what soul is when it is in the body and mind works. There are no proofs a soul without a body can live or experience anything. The out-of body experiencess have all happened to souls who have bodies. So to ...

09 Aug 2007

Dear br. ex-l Yes, points of light are no doubt different. It is just that they look like they are same when you look at. Just a point of light. They are different, because they have different roles. These roles are played when the soul adopts a body. The abstract conception of God, also has no proo...

07 Aug 2007

I believe no one in the BK or any other believes, accepts or addresses Dadi Gulzar as Chariot. She seems to be just a normal person with the ability to go into trance, but i understand that for the sake of the joke it can be put that way.

07 Aug 2007

If in the beginning there is only one religion then where other religions come from. Souls from that religion get converted. I mean not dishonour Christianity or such. I thought no one believes in it anymore. No one is really believer, because there is not the clarity in what to believe. There is th...

07 Aug 2007

That's why it is nessesary that this Supreme Soul Shiva enters a body and expresses the qualities we attribute to him and we can have a practical experience of something outside of us. I think this is the main idea, a corporeal, practical, concrete God with his own will and not like we put him to be...

07 Aug 2007

It was only a suggestion, because it is not practical and it is difficult to correspond, to talk to, to reply to many people at a time. Furthermore they have one and the same or similar issues. Just from the point of making it easy and possible. I meant personal letters (e-mails), like correspondenc...


05 Aug 2007

It is said that in the mind there is victory and defeat. No matter whatever can happen through the body, due to some accounts we may have to tolerate everything through the body, but no one can bind our mind. Whatever may happen but we should never change our mind. We should never accept defeat in t...

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